VZ2500 turntable stopping abruptly at random moments.


New Member
Hi all, I have a vz2500 which I have got in mostly working order. The records play great but sometimes, after a few plays, the turntable stops suddenly. I don't see a pattern. Can be immediately after pressing play or 20 minutes later, on side B.

It stops with a click, the turntable (record) stops rotating immediately and the stylus goes back to parking position.

This is exactly the same behavior as if I had opened the door mid playing.

I have new belts on the way. In the meantime I've opened the box and I could see it happen while the set was open, as well. But I couldn't figure out the cause. I did clean all the pulleys connected to the stylus travel, in case it was resisting movement but it didn't seem to make a difference.

Could it be a dirty switch near the door lock? I did put some contact cleaner inside but the problem remains. Dirty solenoids? No idea if that is a possibility.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,



Member (SA)
This sounds like a wanted feature in an unwanted moment. The record player resets when you change the function. Have you cleaned the function switches (tape, fm etc.)? Maybe one of them has a short and it switches to another function for a millisecond, enough to reset the record player. The switches also get stuck some times.
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New Member
This sounds like a wanted feature in an unwanted moment. The record player resets when you change the function. Have you cleaned the function switches (tape, fm etc.)? Maybe one of them has a short and it switches to another function for a millisecond, enough to reset the record player. The switches also get stuck some times.

Thank you for that suggestion, I hadn't thought of those switches, only of the opening door switch and the bottom safety switch. New belts have arrived, when I open it I will clean those switches too and if it works I'll report here.


New Member
This sounds like a wanted feature in an unwanted moment. The record player resets when you change the function. Have you cleaned the function switches (tape, fm etc.)? Maybe one of them has a short and it switches to another function for a millisecond, enough to reset the record player. The switches also get stuck some times.

It seems you were 100% correct. After having cleaned the mode switches with contact cleaner the radio never again stopped suddenly midplaying a record.

(There is another thread here where this problem was discussed but a solution never provided. It would benefit from this info but it's locked.)

Heartfelt thank you.


Member (SA)
Very happy that I could help!! Let's hope it stays that way.

The switches on my machine are so dry, I have to wiggle them and switch them back and forth to make them work.