The things you can buy instead of a certain overrated boombox lol...technics graphic eq

Radio raheem

Member (SA)
Good evening Reli....x that by 2 on my technics amp...can't wait to get it and post pics bro.....all for less than an m thingymajig lol
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Radio raheem

Member (SA)
Thanks Dwayne, nice to see you back bro, this was indeed a great score, the seller knocked off £200 although if i posted the auction ebay doesn't reflect this

they must have cost a fortune back in the day lad.....most people swear not to use one but i have never liked the sound of any amp without one my friend

and two will be seriously overkill and mainly for looks i think lol
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Radio raheem

Member (SA)
I was lucky Dwayne there were 2 technics stores by me back in the day. (i think there both still there) i was brought up with the finer things of life (there were also plenty of others) which was great for such a small place but all are gone now apart from the technics stores lad, i doubt they sell anything i would want now though

have you bought any new gear of late ehh....i was perfectly set up with my 2 pioneer high end amps but all the caps have failed now (beyond me) but technics stuff just goes on and on, touch wood lol
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New Member
The only thing I purchased during the lock down, which lasted about six months in NYC, was a pair of SVS PC-2000 sub woofers for my home theater. It's good to hear from you with all this madness that's going on lately.
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Radio raheem

Member (SA)
I think the virus was man made lad, as they have been making and storing them for years, as Litfan would have said were doomed lol

the virus hasn't affected me as i never go anywhere not even shopping my friend
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Radio raheem

Member (SA)
using the equ's of the displays doesn't change colour though...when you press the switch the display just goes out on 1 side...are these dual layered lamps????if i buy new lamps would this fix it...any ideas lads

here is the lamp