
New Member
Hi there all, first of all sincere greetings to you all from Singapore.

I am seeking your kind attention, facilitation and guidance.
I have a sony FH 909 R system. The system is working fine. But the spectrum analyser display visual, is working somewhat awakward. My knowledge of electronics is limited so my apologies for my apparent ignorance.

Here I am. I opened the spectrum analyser display part.
I realised there is a green color film that is pasted on the spectrum display part. The film I guess due to age has completely degenerated, thus effecting the spectrum analyser display visual.

Can any one please guide me as what is the purpose of the green color film?

I tried to use the a normal green color PVC sheet/ green color cellophane sheet. but it did not work.

So there I am with great hope to get this issue resolved. Thus highly appreciate your valued guidance & input.
Warm regards Deb