Sharp GF-7 mini - No FM

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Member (SA)
To the gurus on here... this mini everything works including tape and radio on SW1, SW2 and AM... but no FM.
Sprayed all switches etc already.
On FM there's static but it remains constant when moving the dial throughout the range.
Could it be one of the FM adjustments that could remedy this?

Any help would be appreciated (of course) :yes:

Do you have a good connection from the antenna to the tuner board - my little Akai I received today had no FM until I made a quick solder repair.

James.... :-)

Line Out

Member (SA)
Just try to screw every pot on the tuner board :-P That's what I do. Though you'll risk losing the settings for other bands.

For me that's a non-issue because there is nothing else than FM stations here.


Member (SA)
Tried these ideas to no avail. Thanks though.
I have an IC chip on it's way to me so hopefully that might just work.


Line Out

Member (SA)
I've managed to fine tune a few of my boxes. Can be quite time consuming thing to do, especially without a service manual. One pot will mostly affect the other and all should be "synced" together. Also there can be many positions that are working, but only one of those is the best. There is mostly one for the frequency, to adjust the dial showing correctly, then there's the stereo separation. Also depending on the tuner, a few "level" pots that affect the static and the overall volume for example. I could make some kind of tutorial IF I get the time and passion for it.
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