My Conion C-100 Restoration

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sean 91

Member (SA)
Thanks. I did think of painting the entire box, But the original paint will be harder wearing so i only want to paint whats necessary. plus ive grown to like the two tone :D

Im not that worried about keeping it stock, i mean I do like originality but with a slight mod to stand out. a picture of my 575 might explain better than i can...

sean 91

Member (SA)
i gave into temptation and painted the back of the box, and as unoriginal as it might be i think the black is a vast improvement on the grey :-D


sean 91

Member (SA)
i was in two minds before but now that ive applied the black i can say it looks awesome!! The grey was an odd shade and in certain lights, had a blue tint to it. It just didnt look right, and being matte it picked up dirt and fingerprints too easy. Well happy with the finish now :-D

sean 91

Member (SA)
Last night when i should of been at the pub, i was in the garage cutting up pieces of plastic :huh:

can you tell what it is yet....?

Mock up... Its all held together with masking tape at the minute, but everything fits nicely :-)

i started actually bonding the missing tape tray tonight, and fixed some supports in place. Then i decided to call it a night

sean 91

Member (SA)
thanks man :thumbsup:


The bottom plate sits flush with the bottom of the unit, which i think is crucial for it to fit in with the lines of the box, however it does sit lower than the original tray would of done, because the plastic needs to sit underneath the original brackets rather than inside like the tape tray did. but thats okay :-D

happy with this result, the infill needed to be painted so i had to paint the underside and the front to match. i was goint to vinyl the front of the infill 'tray' but i decided i prefer the painted look


sean 91

Member (SA)
today i started on the tuner window.... it was scratched all over where someone had previously tried to clean it with something abrasive :nonono: and by the looks of things, some sort of cleaning agent was used which had melted the very surface of the plastic.

i forgot to take a 'before picture' but you can tell from this one that its damaged and cloudy with light scratches

i used nothing but 1500 grit paper on this to remove the scratches and some polish to give it that clear shine

i then made a new cassette window. its not gonna fool any purists but it still makes a HUGE improvement

ive polished the chrome surrounds with metal polish, the wd40 i used last time wasnt cutting it :lol:

almost there :clap:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Your home made plastic bits really look good and fill the empty spaces nice.

Lasonic TRC-920


It's looking so fresh and new. I like original too, but sometimes my EYE leads the way. I think what you have done looks just as good as factory. Still looks correct to me.

I like what your doing with the bottom drawer too. Fabricating what is missing is the only way to over come some of this stuff. The C100 and it's missing door and drawer....what are you gonna do? It's make it, or live with out.



Member (SA)
Looks great! I really like the results.
How did you make the "METAL" text?
If you printed it, here's the original label if you want it


sean 91

Member (SA)
Thanks guys!!! im quite the novice and ive never done a project before that requires any DIY fabrication, so im glad you lot here are impressed with my work :bow:

Before i bought this box i didnt even know it had a tape tray underneath... and as for the tape door, i thought ''how hard can that be to find'' little did i know :lol:

looking forward to kickin it soon tho for sure :stereo:

caution said:
Looks great! I really like the results.
How did you make the "METAL" text?
If you printed it, here's the original label if you want it
hey man, i got a local sign and graphic shop to print it for me. well, when i say printed, the 'metal' letering is cut out seperately and stuck on top the ali vinyl . But that was the smallest lettering they could cut, and printing that small onto that vinyl i am told would be pricey, so the smaller letters were a no go unfortunately.... it doesnn't look bad as is though i dont think, im just happy to not have a big gap present where the tape door used to be :-D


sean 91

Member (SA)
good morning Boomboxery!!

Yesterday i did some cleaning/polishing of the handle, and its came up pretty nice :-D

sean 91

Member (SA)
so today i piolished some knobs and switches....

heres a before shot for comparison

I started on these buttons first. I used this cycle metal polish from halfords on the grill surrounds, and found it works really well on chromed plastic (chrome polish/metal polish etc, i guess its all the same stuff inside) its also the polish i used to give the tuner window its clear shine

All 6 buttons done

these buttons from the top cassette were probably the worst condition of the lot, i thought i might even have to repaint the chrome, but theyve polished up surprisingly well

30 years worth of dirt... nice :lol:

Less dirt, more shine :-D

These knobs cleaned up really well, not so much polished because theyre a brushed/satin finish. Its only the ring around the faces that are chrome and shined

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