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Boomus Fidelis
DO NOT AND I REPEAT DONT BUY FROM HIM!!! I received a $2000 JVC 550 from him all the way from Germany with 1 small layer of bubbles. When I opened unit I heard a sad sound of broken pieces inside. I looked at outside and it seemed to be something inside. Well I was partially right. A post cracked off and due to stress the back of unit had hairline crack. His response was it's no big deal.

But I just spent $2000 on the most expensive unit I ever bought and I got treated like crap. Then he says he will find and ship a new back. Yeah right last time he shipped a J1 to me our deal was to get get some parts so I could repair it. Well over 3 months went by and still no parts. It took Peter telling me he had no parts for me. Oh and I'm suppose to believe your going to find me a back for exact model which is so rare. I don't fn think so. He wouldn't even give me a partial refund knowing that value went down the instant it broke.


P.S I could care less about getting kicked off forum for this post. In the 6 years I've been a collector I've never been this pi$$ed!!!!!

Bad Bad Bill


Boomus Fidelis
Dang. Sorry to hear about this.

1 layer of bubble? What else was there? Peanuts, newspaper, or what?

Is the back panel different from a normal RC550? I thought those panels were all black.


Boomus Fidelis
Dang. Sorry to hear about this.

1 layer of bubble? What else was there? Peanuts, newspaper, or what?

Is the back panel different from a normal RC550? I thought those panels were all black.

But this is L model plus he would never have gotten me one. I told him to trade his with mine and he refused. He has another L model :yes:

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Member (SA)
That's terrible news. I've seen his name on a lot of youtube videos and know he has quite a few nice pieces. You would think someone who's built up a collection would put some care into shipping.


Boomus Fidelis
frontside5 said:
That's terrible news. I've seen his name on a lot of youtube videos and know he has quite a few nice pieces. You would think someone who's built up a collection would put some care into shipping.
Well he's a member here as well. To think he would read the topics on how to pack a boombox. Oh and first box he ever sent me, a Crown 850 he only wrapped an ugly gold bed sheet around it and that broke as well. I told him to use a good 2-3" of bubbles. :lol: still didn't learn his lesson. And he still can't take blame but wonders why I'm so angry :hmmm: let's see. ITS A FREAKING $2000 BOOMBOX!!!! "Oh it's only a little crack that you can't see". That's what he tells me :thumbsdown:

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Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
Well he's a member here as well. To think he would read the topics on how to pack a boombox. Oh and first box he ever sent me, a Crown 850 he only wrapped an ugly gold bed sheet around it and that broke as well. I told him to use a good 2-3" of bubbles. :lol: still didn't learn his lesson. And he still can't take blame but wonders why I'm so angry :hmmm: let's see. ITS A FREAKING $2000 BOOMBOX!!!!! "Oh it's only a little crack that you can't see". That's what he tells me :thumbsdown:

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One might say you didn't learn your lesson either.. If someone packs units so crappy, why keep ordering from him..?

That being said, $2000 is a lot of money for a radio that's not perfect.. If I sold a radio for that much, I would spend at least $100 on packing materials just so it would make the overseas trip in one piece..especially for a unit so rare!!


Boomus Fidelis
Seems odd because in this thread several people said he packs well:

When I got J1 from him ( after Crown) he did a pretty good job packing it and this was why I figured he would do better with 550. He used a huge box and 3-4 layers bubble wrap on J1 too. But I've heard many different story's from other members some saying he packs good and some he doesn't. If you ask me I think it's just how he feels that day.

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Member (SA)
JustCruisin said:
One might say you didn't learn your lesson either.. If someone packs units so crappy, why keep ordering from him..?

That being said, $2000 is a lot of money for a radio that's not perfect.. If I sold a radio for that much, I would spend at least $100 on packing materials just so it would make the overseas trip in one piece..especially for a unit so rare!!
Well, you answered your own question there. Uh, when a unicorn comes along once in a life-time, you jump on the opportunity & try to make it work, despite potential issues. Can't blame tribleB for trying. He forked over heavy cheddar & even reminded the seller to pack it well. I say, if he won't give a partial refund, you call PayPal directly, open the dispute & if he still won't give you some money back, escalate to a claim & ship it back for a full refund. Give bad feedback & warn others about his horrible customer relations & packing.....That's what I would do. The real issue is he shipped it so he has to claim damages with the shipper & forward that refund to you whether the shipper honors the insurance or not. Not only is that the right thing to do, it is also eBay POLICY & completely binding....

Hope you get satisfaction & MMC always seemed like an iffy seller to me anyway since I saw too many deals where he was sketchy with pics & details but hey, that's just my opinion & I may be wrong on that....



Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
DO NOT AND I REPEAT DONT BUY FROM HIM!!! I received a $2000 JVC 550 from him all the way from Germany with 1 small layer of bubbles.

Just by the way. I went down from my original price by a lot to make Bill the happy new owner of this unit of which only 5 are known in existence so far. Secondly, I did pack the unit with only 2 layers of bubble wrap but what Bill does not mention is that there was a lot of padding in the box as well and it was packed better than any of the two 550s I received.

When I opened unit I heard a sad sound of broken pieces inside.

Yup, to quote your PM: "Nothing that I can see broken on outside though."

I looked at outside and it seemed to be something inside. Well I was partially right. A post cracked off and due to stress the back of unit had hairline crack. His response was it's no big deal.

I still do not see any visible damage to the outside. It is funny how that was invisible to you at first. A post that you glued back in place is no big dea in my opinion and for sure not worth a 300$ refund. I understood your frustration though so I offered to get you a replacement back cover.
But I just spent $2000 on the most expensive unit I ever bought and I got treated like crap. Then he says he will find and ship a new back.

Since all 550 backs are the same, it would have just been a matter of time until I would have gotten you one. The decal with the "LM" suffix can easily be swapped.

Yeah right last time he shipped a J1 to me our deal was to get get some parts so I could repair it. Well over 3 months went by and still no parts. It took Peter telling me he had no parts for me.

I sent you a 30$ refund because one antenna was 5mm too short which I never noticed. I put up with that for the sake of piece but you made a pretty buckk on the unit in the meantime by selling it to Bill Tracy. I guess that is why you were pushing me for parts. Whatever, you can do what you want with the box but still, it is quite irrtating that you sold it on so quickly. If someone has the time to go back to the feedback section you can see Bill praising how happy he is with the J1...funny how his opinion on a deal so long ago changed all of a sudden.

Oh and I'm suppose to believe your going to find me a back for exact model which is so rare. I don't fn think so.

Well, if you don't think so that is your problem and clearly not mine. All I could do was offer it to you. Once again, the back covers are the and not silver.

He wouldn't even give me a partial refund knowing that value went down the instant it broke.

No, because there is no visual damage to the unit.


I wonder how I still got 100% positive feedback on eBay (and Boomboxery) after having screwed so many people with my poorly packed boxes...

P.S I could care less about getting kicked off forum for this post. In the 6 years I've been a collector I've never been this pi$$ed!!!!!

I've rarely made a similar experience with a buyer either but going into rage mode doesn't solve a thing.

Bad Bad Bill
So, after answering every accusation in detail, I would like to add some information that Bill apparently did not want to reveal.
First of all, I sent the unit express for approx 280$ which have to be taken off those 2000$ because he wanted it in time for his meeting. I was happy to do so but at the same time he shipped his RX-5700 to me with regular shipping ( I beieve the box said 60$). Just something to keep in mind.
As I said, apparently the 550 got gradually worse. At first everything was fine and then the unit suddenly was so severely damaged that he claimed a 300$ refund.
I refused that judging by the picture of the broken post he sent me. Just to not leave any information out of this. The RX-5700 he sent me was far from what he described it to be. The tape is playing slow and one channel is way louder than the other one. I did not make a big deal out of it but I guess now is the time to write it here after being put in this situation. After him criticizing my packing job, I should have taken pictures of how his 5700 was packed. Two layers of big bubble wrap are no better to me than 2 layers of thin bubble wrap and additional padding.
Well, as everything seemed to have settled, I got an email from PayPal saying that Bill actually opened a case for the full amount of 1600$ which is what he paid on top of the 5700. That immediately blocked my PayPal and made it unusable for weeks.
While this case was open, he listed the RC-550 on eBay. I was beyond shocked to see that and that was the point where I was refusing any refund or helping him in any way with it.
especially since the pictures in his eBay listing do not show any damage to the unit. It looks just fine. [ebay]181391474437[/ebay] Here is the original listing if you want to check it out. Of course, I sent that info to PayPal to let them know the buyer was playing a strange game here.
Bill was given 10 days to hand in an examination report of the unit from a neutral profesiional at that point. Fine, I guess if someone neutral thinks that the damage is severe, I might be mistaken here.
After a few days, I saw joe's post on FB that he picked some boxes up from Bill's place because of his huge sale including the silver 550. That meant that Bill had actually sold the unit that he opened that PayPal case about before the case was closed. How on earth would you justify that? Getting a refund on something that you do not even have anymore but sold on just does not make sense at all.
What if PayPal had decided that he should return the unit to me? Just a thought.
But PayPal as a neutral ground that always decides in the buyer's favor when in doubt as we all know closed the case in my favor because apparently Bill was not able to supply an examination form from a third party that stated that the unit was damaged.
It seems like a very bad joke to me that he posting this feedback now right after losing the case. What would he have posted if he had won the PayPal case? I don't know.
By the way, what you get here is a very, very light version of what he is saying in his PMs. Each and every one of them contains at least one major insult and he threatened me multiple times telling me I would get what I deserve in foll fold.
In retrospective I am really sorry. Not sorry for Bill but sorry for letting this unit go to him. I did not sell it because I felt like it but because I needed the money at that point. I really hope it will not become the travelling trophy from now and and that the new owner who Bill sold it to is more caring and appreciates having one of the rarest if not the rarest box.
I am not going to do any more business with Bill but I won't tell anyone not to do so. I am sure his discolite and repainted M90 are both great boxes for example.
Well, that was my two cents. Of course it won't be possible for anyone here to judge the situation objectively but I thought it could not hurt to describe my point of view.


Boomus Fidelis
:lol: yes I sold unit and everyone knows that it's in my post but that was up to me. Shipping unit back to you was not an option as Paypal stated they could not make you ship my National back. And if you did what is the likely hood of unit making it in one piece. Oh and by the way I packed 5700 with large and small bubbles both giving it more than enough cushion as it did because unit survived. And the issues you mentioned with deck are same on 550 plus the 550 was filthy. Plus in our first conversation after I found out of damage I asked if I could ship it back and you ship my National back. But that wouldn't work because you had already spent my money. Then I asked for $300 refund and you refused but offered me a different back. So I said ok but that you had to ship your back to me then pay to ship broken back to you. And you said you wouldn't give up the back to your unit but that you would find another. But the problem is this is an L model which is rare so how would you find another and how long would it take.

Anyway the point as always throughout this whole thing was your irresponsibility for not taking the time to properly pack a Boombox worth so much and rare. It didn't matter how much shipping was but only making sure unit was as safe as you can make it. And that because of damage the value had gone down tremendously since I took a loss of $500 because of issues. But there again you don't admit to the issue at hand of your negligence and doing the right thing.

So in simple terms I sold unit for $1500. If I shipped it back to you and you didn't ship 5700 then I would be out shipping cost and $400. Doesn't make sense since selling unit I got $1500. And even if you shipped 5700 then you would have to pay for shipping and there would still be an excellent chance of damage because of improperly packing.

So in closing yes I'm mad , very mad and as I stated to you and don't deny, what comes around goes around and you will get yours some day. Just thinking about it laughing that even if unit went back where would you get the $1600 to pay me back :lol: I'm not stupid either you most likely bought unit very cheap. Didn't even clean or restore it and wanted a ton more of money for it. But that's cool I understand it's rare and it was worth that much to me , at least before the damage happened!!!

Bad Bad Bill


Boomus Fidelis
This was crack from outside case as you can see it's small and I never noticed at first until I found broken post from inside.


Bad Bad Bill


Member (SA)
Wow, Im very disappointed to see this tread. Some members which never got deal with Max, but saying he looks "iffy seller" too :thumbsdown: . I got more than ten boomers from Max - most of them very tiny plastic black boomers and all where perfectly packed and never got any issue. Not saying Bill is lying - indeed a broken part on 2k boomer is a irritating thing. But ... its way too strange to list an item for sale when there is still open case for it. What IF paypal decided to charge Max's card for full refund ??? And how the post fell out with such small crack from outside :-O ?
C'mon., we all know how tough build is the 550. I doubt it..., really doubt this is from the shipping, It might be from opening the boomer. Maybe before ( dont know if Max opened it) . But the post to fall off so easy from such crack - deffo not shipping fault IMHO. This crack looks to me from pushing the post from inside not the back from outside.. Still an issue tough. But Bill - why you sold the boomer with 500 dollars loss, when you estimate this crack 300 dollars ? Why you hurried so much ? Im sure - if you waited for all to be sorted with new back, you can sell ( if you want) for more than you even got it.......
And at the end one more time - serious i hate when reading such treads from respected members.
Is those 300 dollars worth that ??? :sadno:


Boomus Fidelis
It is very unfortunate to say bad things about a well respected and honest member like mmcodomino!
We all should respect each other! These kind of acts are bad for Boomboxery as a whole!

My dealing with Max was always PERFECT!

He is a Gentleman in every way!


Boomus Fidelis
Wow, Im very disappointed to see this tread. Some members which never got deal with Max, but saying he looks "iffy seller" too :thumbsdown: . I got more than ten boomers from Max - most of them very tiny plastic black boomers and all where perfectly packed and never got any issue. Not saying Bill is lying - indeed a broken part on 2k boomer is a irritating thing. But ... its way too strange to list an item for sale when there is still open case for it. What IF paypal decided to charge Max's card for full refund ??? And how the post fell out with such small crack from outside :-O ?
C'mon., we all know how tough build is the 550. I doubt it..., really doubt this is from the shipping, It might be from opening the boomer. Maybe before ( dont know if Max opened it) . But the post to fall off so easy from such crack - deffo not shipping fault IMHO. This crack looks to me from pushing the post from inside not the back from outside.. Still an issue tough. But Bill - why you sold the boomer with 500 dollars loss, when you estimate this crack 300 dollars ? Why you hurried so much ? Im sure - if you waited for all to be sorted with new back, you can sell ( if you want) for more than you even got it.......
And at the end one more time - serious i hate when reading such treads from respected members.
Is those 300 dollars worth that ??? :sadno:

I honestly tried working things out. As you read it's not first time he packed bad and I told him many times, not only forum it's shipped to me but to everyone Max deals with. I am selling off almost all my units because I need funds and space due to my new business. I kept this under wraps and feel $300 is fair for such an expensive unit. As for waiting for back the chances of that happening are about as good as me getting a bombeat 40. I told Max we could swap backs since he has another L model but he didn't accept. So what am I to do. Also like I said the post did break in shipping because as soon as I opened unit there was clanking inside and if it was broken before that Max should have noticed. I was also very upset how unit looked after paying $2000. It had so much dirt and cigarette smoke on it it stunk. I have never shipped any unit like that.

Also as I stated if I were to ship back unit then I would have gotten my $1600 back. But shipping was my cost and there was still my trade of $400 National in question. So my theory was sell what I could get for unit. The $300 I was asking for was for the damage loss and other members told me I should go for even more but I didn't want to be greedy. Even if I didn't sell the box paypal will not approve partial refunds unless seller says they are willing to pay. So you see where that leaves me exactly where I'm at. Honestly I have never felt this way about a member I once considered a friend but I have spoken to over a dozen members who feel Max is in wrong about this and other things. Believe me if I would have gotten closer to $2000 I would have dropped case but everyone said the value is gone due to damage and the pitted bars that were on it.

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Boomus Fidelis
It is very unfortunate to say bad things about a well respected and honest member like mmcodomino!
We all should respect each other! These kind of acts are bad for Boomboxery as a whole!

My dealing with Max was always PERFECT!

He is a Gentleman in every way!

I wish I could say the same although the first 2 dealings I purchased got taken care of. I just wish he would have packed it with more bubbles then if it broke I could well he at least tried. If anyone could look back into all my past IM messages with him I always stressed how to pack. I even asked Peter to help Max pack because he uses lots of bubbles. I really wish it never came to this because Max and I use to talk plenty a few years ago and I envy him. I just couldn't hold this in anymore!!!

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