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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Boomboxery will be down tonight somewhere around 10PM (22:00) CDT for about 5 minutes. I need to check on something inside the server.

Just thought I'd give you guys a heads up.

Remember - 10PM (22:00) CDT Boomboxery will be offline for about 5 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
ahardb0dy said:
well I guess that's good so Ira can get la-d...
I think 5 minutes is all he would need anyway. :lol:

Nicolle, don't worry too much, darlin'. I need to open up the server and check something and I don't want the computer still plugged in when I do it. ;-)


I Am Legend
haha --
for ONCE --
i did not mean --what you think i meant --

sorry nicolle --we have bonafide//certified animals here !!!!


I Am Legend
tony --we want walkgirl to attend our next meet --

and - until then --we want her to think we are fine gentlemen !!


Member (SA)
she would have to come over by ship, as all her walkmans would take up half of a plane!! But she's more than welcome to attend the next meet.


Member (SA)
We could offer to pay for her ticket..... :choco:

.... but I am sure she would insist on going "Dutch" :ninja:
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