Junked 975 What happened here?

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Member (SA)
Haven't been looking for rockers in a long while.This 975 what A MESS! Missing back chassis.Many areas covered in hotglue and T.Former was roof tared to mounting and broke off.MAIN ISSUE!
Small PCB loose with a clean cut ribbon terminal.The other end Slaughtered or frayed. What is this too or for? Question is this part important? Used a (TRC-951) BACK to power up. Radio works.Cassettes don't engage.
Just like too find out if I need to repair this part.or can be found at a electronics outlet thanks guys...


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JVC Floyd

Inactive (Delete)
not sure if the high speed dubbing switch is on that board, but if it is that would cause the decks not to work .


Boomus Fidelis
That looks to be mic board high speed dubbing board :yes: this would control motor speed so as Floyd said would cause deck issues ;-)

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Thank you Floyd & BBB! aLWAYS can count on the key people here to be the wealth of knowledge... Can this Multi wire strip be found at most electronic outlets and Dist? A company I frequent in buisness for years called Orvac electronic has been my luck so far... unless you have better idea. I should have saved parts identical to something like this cabling off some sonys and Phillips junkers. :dunce:

JVC Floyd

Inactive (Delete)
should be able to un solder the slat wire from the board and strip back the slat wire ends evenly and push them through the holes in the board and re solder them ,looks like theres a white striped wire indicating which direction to insert them through the board.just a matter of re connecting that wire to the board.


Member (SA)
I thought that would be the ticket Floyd. but 2 of these wires are less than 2" and one is so stripped bare.looks like someone here had real anger issues or who knows what the previous owner was on at the moment.LOL!!1


Boomus Fidelis
I had over a dozen wires that someone cut on a pioneer SK21. Some of them were shielded wires as well. I managed to reattach them all and get deck fully working. I was never sure why the moron who owned it cut them :hmmm:


Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Ok bad boy & Floyd. After removal of flatwire stub from main Mic/dub board I resoldered new Flat wire ribbon to spec or close pin match. No change Decks are even faster.I worry motor will fry. Desoldered one Input,no change. the other motor died from power loss. 2nd issue Never powered up with button pushed. No LED or woofer pop at start up. Found a cap near +/- terminals covered in crusty yellowing material. Will change out but If you have a idea.I'm open. also cold solder joints came lose without me knowing. on this small pcb. RED& Blue. Not too sure if in right spot. Trying to use earlier posting pics as a REF? This box was a bad buy and got hustled...


Member (SA)
here are the pics to latest posting on 975. high speed wont disengage. no amp power&LED display??? :hmmm: :thumbsdown: :sadno:


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Member (SA)
When I first bid on it with 4 others the pic of it showed all lit up... And when it arrived. TF was torn off and its holding case smashed to fragments.(Bag) the red+ was torn off. I also had to rework the volt selector switch.This came without a back case. I used a 951 i had extra Chassis... This also has been from the looks serviced or attempted. lots of hotglue,and the TF had roofing tar on it... The Cap I removed was engorged and split. After buying a replacement.The parts department at the electronics store said it should not be bulberous and have a aroma also. As stated Bill I have followed every wire I can see and so I the one thing thats driving me nuts is why the cassettes are staying in high speed dub??? Even after cable was resoldered and now REMOVED again... :bang: I will replace this small cap later this evening and continue to look more wires as I can see them.One GOOD out of this POWER is going into it... Now I just need the Radio,LED,Amp to activate.... so I could be close you THINK??? :hmmm:


Boomus Fidelis
The high speed is controlled by a variable resistor on the speed board. Possibly the pot has malfunctioned and needs replacement. Have you checked to see if power switch is allowing current through?

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Oh NO! :-O I don't want to mess with that and or even guess where too look. I'm not skilled to fool around there. I maybe in for a big SLAPPPP! I have no techs around here that will even touch oldskool BOXES. Not a one. Guess this is going to be corpse in the garage. thanks for the INFO BBB! :-) :'-(


Member (SA)
There's lots of LASONIC fans here who would want to use yours for parts. Try offering it up on the for sale threads for parts. I bet you get some money back from it. Better than just trashing it.



Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
Where do you live?

Bad Boy Bill
Hey BBB,I been busy elsewhere... I live in So,Cali remember. I tried to get replacement pot and a new switch(power) at my local electronic dist warehouse. Forget it. everythings too new and that which is vintage isn't in that setup. I have at least 4 931's in storage that I havent touched i could maybe take a part from them.Yet be in a bind later down the line. :blink: I just looked at my inventory My god I have 42 boxes I have to tackle LOL!!!! I didnt realize I Actually stockplied a good collection this past 1 1/2 yrs now... :cool:

Lasonic TRC-920

Wow, that this is looking near death. Seems like a shame to cut up a 951 since they are so rare. Need to see if anyone has a back case.
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