If you like Mantronik and T-La Rock...

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Listen To My Turbo (1988) - RAW DOPE POSSE

I first heard this back in '88 on a Philly Hip-Hop radio show called Street Beat (featuring Lady B)... I immediately went out and bought the 12" single from Funk-O-Mart in Center City... At first listen, you'd swear up and down that this track was made by Mantronik and T-La Rock, and perhaps, they released this track under a different name on a different label... Anyway, if you've never heard it before, check it out! :cool:


Member (SA)
This has been added the the "BOOMBOXED!!! XD" playlist on my iriver. You can't beat jams like this coming out of a ghettoblaster! :-D :thankyou:


Member (SA)
This song is tight as hell. I never heard this song or this group before. You know any other songs like this?

Thanks much.
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