Help needed with re-belting Trident CX-473F


Member (SA)
Greetings !

I want to re-belt the cassette mech on a Trident CX-473F but since the belts have turned to goo I'm not sure about the paths. Can someone tell me which of the following pics is the right way to go ?

Please note, this is the version with the combined stop/eject key, as there's another revision with separate stop and eject keys that uses a different mech.

Also, consider the e-clip as the approximate position of the motor pulley.

TIA for your help !



Member (SA)
Thank you for your answer, however this video features a CX-472 while I work on a CX-473 aka. Similar model numbers but very different radios...

That said, after some trial and error with rubber bands it turns out that the correct way is as shown in photo #1.

Thanks again !
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