GF-9696 Piezo tweeters weak sound

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Member (SA)
These 20mm ceramic disc tweeters are barely heard...
I mean they sound as whisper and overshadowed by the woofer and squawker, makes you think why even bother connecting them...
I had them isolated and fed direct signal, they do work and I can hear them only at higher volumes of 7/10 and very close to my ear, only at these levels they add something to the overall sound... :hmmm:
I also should mention they shine more when enclosed in their plastic case (mechanical amplification helps oscillation alot) but still somewhat quiet to my taste.


Are these suppose to sound that low or are simply faulty/tired tweeters?
Would like to hear other 9696 owners' opinions on how they sound.

In case they are faulty, which Piezo speaker/buzzer spec should one look for? (SPL, voltage, frequency etc.)
What is accepted as decent replacement for this bbx (amp HA1392, 15V, 7Wpc)


Member (SA)


Member (SA)
caution said:
Just taking a look around on audio forums I'm finding a few that could probably be mounted on the tweeter bezel
Thanks caution, these are some nice options.
I'll look for some real car 4 ohm cone tweeters, will need to try some bipolar cap to cross them with, there's already the mid squawker crossed with a 4.7uF
The tweeter cavity in this bezel is kinda tricky to mount to... plus the chrome front is slightly protruding inside where the speaker will be mounted..guess will have to take some more measurements and see.
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