GF 7600 Static

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Member (SA)
I just happened across a great looking boombox at a local pawn shop and got all nostalgic, this has lead to a non stop three day boombox researching spree. I'm loving this forum and I was wondering (as a complete novice) how would I prevent the volume slider and power button from creating large amounts of static in the right speaker? Also, did I find a decent boombox?


Boomus Fidelis will need to get some deoxit or some type of contact cleaner. You should open box up and locate switches/pots to be cleaned. Usually there is a small hole or opening that you can spray a small amount in... Then work switch or pot back and forth 20-30 times. Try not to over spray and wipe excess up. Good luck!!

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Member (SA)
Thanks so much, great to be here. :-) I'm loving the site so far, I'll be pulling it apart to clean it soon! Thanks for the tip.
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