Changes in PM settings

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Right now, there are more PMs in the database than there are actual forum posts. :-O :hmmm: Changes have been made to the PM settings to prevent board PMs from overtaking database space.

Now, all PM folders will be limited to 400 messages. That should be more than enough - unless you are Ira. :-P :lol: Once the 400 PM limit has been reached, the oldest message(s) will automatically be deleted, but by that time, you will have forgotten what those PMs were about anyway. ;-)

Some of you might notice your inbox status displays something like "647/400 messages." Once you receive your next PM, 247 messages will be deleted in order to get you down to 400.


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redbenjoe said:
why not just 100 instead of 400 ?

we need a post HALL OF FAME section :thumbsup: :surf:
Well, I initially was thinking of 200. But then I thought there might be somebody with over a 1,000 PMs. Having 800 PMs just vanish might be overwhelming. :yes:

I agree with the HOF idea. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
dont let benji get you into more stuff bobby he has been acting wierd lately ,,, hanging out too much with thindog :thumbsdown: :-/ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Boomus Fidelis
Bobby,I always go through an delete my P.M. s once in a while. :angelic: :yes: :-D
ESPECIALLY those I get from Ira.......... :thumbsdown:
I delete those before I even read them...... :annoyed: :dunce: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Staff member
Bobby. I got to admit that my PM folder got out of control but you can blame it on IRA because he has a way to generating PM's like confetti. Then when it gets time to delete, it has to be done one at a time. IF there was a way to select all messages, or a "range" of messages, then I think my inbox would be rather small and easier to keep in control.


Well-Known Member
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Superduper said:
Then when it gets time to delete, it has to be done one at a time. IF there was a way to select all messages, or a "range" of messages, then I think my inbox would be rather small and easier to keep in control.
Towards the bottom of the "Inbox" page, there are controls for selecting a range of PMs and for sorting. You also have links for "Mark All" and "Unmark All", which are only good for that one page - not ALL messages.
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