C-100F tape door trim spec

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Member (SA)
Maybe do all four, order some sets :cool:


Member (SA)
Thanks guys! I'm working on a better version, about halfway there...
Our group at work takes turns presenting at our staff meeting, but if we're not working on anything interesting enough to make a presentation out of we're encouraged to do something unrelated to work, so I did mine on boomboxes naturally :-) Lots of positive comments on my M70 mod and C100 work :-)

But the best part was this one guy came over afterwards and told me he restores old 70s era receivers and had a local silkscreening shop help him with a front panel, as well as a sheet metal shop, both of which weren't too pricy so I'm crossing my fingers...


Member (SA)
Actually this is just the trim, although capturing the door glass, bracket and main piece could be dialed into SolidWorks with some patience and a caliper :-)
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