Your (not positive) thoughts on the PC-55


Member (SA)
Apr 11, 2024
Good morning, all!

Several times in my life, I've owned five JVC PC-55s. While overall a really cool unit and many people discuss the positives, there were three things I didn't like about them.

These are my thoughts;

1). While a nice clean (boring?) design overall, the unit sorely lacked any VU meters of any sort other than the tape deck. It would have been nice to see a set (backlit analogue would have been really neat) placed in the amplifier section or even a spectrum analyser.

2) The backlight lamp holder for the tape deck LCD display. Since the lamps were incandescent, they would get hot after a while which made the plastic holder gradually becomes brittle and break in spots when changing the bulbs. Of course now, LED fuse bulbs eliminate that problem. And that darn ribbon cable gets in the way. Of which...

3) That @#$&!?! tape deck ribbon cable. Very thin and cheap in my opinion. Now, if JVC would have made one sy triple the thickness with thicker wires for durability, I think the LCD display would not have problems as much as they do. I did read and see somewhere this guy replaced all those cables with individual soldered wires. He said it took him over two weeks to do but the display is without any problems now.


Member (SA)
Jan 7, 2012
Toronto, Canada
1. I do like the look of the PC-55 as it was perfect transition from old school one piece box into a technological showcase 3 piece unit. It was the swan song of old school boomboxes square designs. JVC really tried and were successful in some areas with this box. The cassette deck is probably the best in any portable. A powerful amp that can power home hifi speakers with ease. The LED VU's were more show than go however. The segments have jerky movement and really are not great

2. No argument with the heat from from the LCD bulbs. Calling that plastic brittle is an understatement. Having replaced the bulbs in a 55 I can a stiff wind would knock the whole thing down (never mind the blue-green sleeve that fit over the bulb was a bitch to remove and re-install.

3. The ribbon cable was ridiculously thin but JVC probably never thought anyone would crack it open, let alone last 40+ years