Saying Goodbye


Member (SA)
My wife and I said our final goodbye to our dog Keebler after 15 years and 3 months of joy. I'm just now able to talk about it. This all took place before the Holidays. We were hoping she would make it to Christmas, but it wasn't meant to be. We hugged her on the vet floor during the sedation and shots. I heard her heart stop half way through the second shot out of 4 given. Her body was tired. She was ready. We loved her very much but I know she's in a better place.

One of my favorite photos of her sitting with us while enjoying a few tunes coming out of the DJ-Tech.



Member (SA)
One of the most painful things I've ever had to do was to put ours down. My 3 kids all under 12 were devastated. I feel your pain and wish you the best. Take care bud
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Who is this guy? He is posting on every link here. Moderator, please chime in. I already reported.