VZ-2000 Player Door Cover Removal


Member (SA)
Hey all,
Following the manual for disassembly, the steps to take the player door cover off are
1) remove dust cover (done)
2) open the door (done)
3) remove 3 screws at cover (from inside the door), and take the cover off.

I'm on step 3, and I've taken out the screws, and the grey cover is coming away from the blue interior of the door, but if I try to remove it, the bottom of the cover seems pretty stuck. I'm hesitant to put a lot of force on this since it's a big piece of plastic, but is there a catch or something at the bottom that prevents the cover from coming loose? The manual (of course) doesn't have any pics of exactly how you take the door cover off heh.

vz-2000 player door.png


Member (SA)
Yeah I think the lower edge might have a bit of a lip or a tab that keeps it in place, I'd give it a bit of a wiggle and/or a lift down there, the three screws only anchor the upper end if memory serves.
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Member (SA)
Ok, finally got that thing off without breaking anything lol.
The bottom tabs on the corners are straight so I'm not sure what was keeping them stuck. I slightly pulled them out form the sides and down a bit and they came loose.

There was a 'gatcha' after that though (typing up here for anyone else working on one): all the corners of the player door cover were loose, but the center was still stuck! It's really tight and hard to see in there, so I pulled apart the door halves as far as I dared to get a look. Finally made out a small tab that attaches the front and back halves. You can access and push that tab loose from the inside of the door here:

door tab small.png
Pull it up and push it through and both halves come apart.

It's off!
cover off.png

It's not all rosy in there though :( The tonearm is just dangling. Anyone know what this is supposed to look like? Should all 4 plugs be attached? Only 3 are in mine.
tonearm dangle.png