volume noise in left only


New Member
in panasonic rx fs 460. lower blasting sound comes in left side speaker. right side works well. why it happened ? any solution ?


Member (SA)
Very common problem that in most cases comes from dirty contacts in switches and pods or the record bar. Use contact cleaner on all those and let us know if it helped.

For the record bar, see this thread:

In my experience it helped to spray the bar and move it several times, I never disassembled it.


New Member
Thank u. tape not work. radio only all tape control pins are removed from board. it make blasting noise in fm radio.

its dangerous continuous using with that blast and crackling sound. ? its affect whole unit ,?


Member (SA)
Doesn't matter, still do what dubout stated. Open the box and spray the pots, switches, and slides with deoxit.