Tech section now has sub-forums

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
You'll now notice some sub-forums being added to the Tech Talk section. Basically, it will help group together lots of tech posts for specific boomboxes and should make it way easier to help you diagnose / repair your boombox.

Of course, there will be boomboxes with only one or two tech posts. Those will remain in the general tech talk area.


Staff member
Very good idea Bobby. You can imgine the number of GF-7XX series threads for repairs etc. that will be buit up over time. I don't think you'll need a sub thread for a Coby or even my fave Sansui's. But the M90, M70, etc. certainly will draw that kind of attention. :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Good job Bobby!
It will make it easier to find certain boombox repairs!
I think Ira will want a Jwin section though! :-O :-P
Have a good weekend-Jeff. :-)
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