Sony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017

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Member (SA)

After one of my many lengthy phone conversations with Reno, I mentioned I would quite like a nice compact logic controlled quality Walkman at some point............

What does Reno do???

He sends me no less than FIVE units, 3 Sony & 2 Panasonics

all for free
How crazy is this guy?? lol

Well, he is great to talk to, very funny & very kind & generous!!

Well, I finally got round to charging the battery that fits all of them & testing them out.................

Now Reno told me they were untested so it was time to try them all one by one - Would you believe it 3 of them work, one of them better than the others & is the one I chose to clean up & add to my 'Old Clunkers' collection

It was very dirty inside & out but a couple of hours later it looks very respectable & with my in-ear Sennheiser earphones it sounds very nice, amazingly stable tape mechanism & all the features any tape player needs

Changing to my large over ear Sony phones proved just how competent this player is: Dire Straits - Six Blade Knife is a difficult track for any cassette player let alone a Walkman

So all in all, a happy bunny this evening

Sony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (1).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (2).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (3).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (4).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (5).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (6).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (7).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (8).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (9).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (10).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (11).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (12).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (13).jpgSony WM-EX674 Walkman - April 2017 (4).jpg



Member (SA)
Yeah nice Nick, I have one of these and apart from a belt change and a clean i have done nothing to it and it sounds great. Five free units is a very nice gesture :D

Radio raheem

Member (SA)
Any time Nick lad, really it was no bother mate as you know i never used them...

What agreat guy you are too...havn't been on much mate just sleeping most of the time...did get to use that jvc you sent me yesterday and for what she is it's a great bbox...cheers lad Atb Reno :thumbsup:
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