Some old remixes of mine

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I've been going through some old tapes of mine and came across a treasure trove of old music that I made WAY long ago. I'm trying to catalog most of what a friend and I did with mixes and original tunes. Here are few that you might find interesting.

All selections were originally recorded straight to master tape direct from instruments. However, a Tascam Porta05 4-track recorder was used for synchronization on the Janet Jackson tracks. The Al B. Sure acappella track was on a CD and was "hand synched" with the music during recording.

Instruments and gear used:

Roland R-8
Roland D-20
Casio SK-1
Boss SE-50
Alesis Midi-verb II
Alesis Micro-limiter
Alesis Micro-gate

Janet Jackson - What Have You Clubbed for Me Lately
Remixed in 1991

Janet Jackson - What Have You Dubbed for Me Lately
Remixed in 1991

Al B. Sure - Mixxunderstanding
Remixed in 1992


Member (SA)
Wow that is pretty good Bobby. I am convinced, you are multi-talented! :cool:

Thanks for sharing those.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks, Johnny. :cool: I have a couple of the newer computer-based music software packages and have been wanting to try them out. I'm still trying to find a good deal on one of the M-Audio keyboards. I'd like to see what I could make with today's technology. :-)


Member (SA)

Wicked! I really like these remixes you did!

I'm particularly keen on the "what have you dubbed for me lately" Janet J. track!

Well done!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks, jaetee! I'd love to get back into doing stuff like that. It's actually very therapeutic.
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