Sharp GF-508 9696 low volume?

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Member (SA)
Got this recently from Japan.
The box is complete but the volume levels and crispness are very low.
As it is it sounds low and boomy. I sprayed the sliders and pots.
Any ideas?


Boomus Fidelis
The one I had had really nice low-volume bass.........not as much as a Crown 980, but still really good.

Did you clean the Rec bar and the function switch? Beyond that, check the amp chips with a multimeter I guess.
Firstly I'd like to say that sure is a nice, clean looking 9696! So firstly, are the VUs working correctly? Do all the tone and volume sliders appear to be working ok? Does the low volume situation persist when on battery power? Does the power light dim during operation when you crank the volume? Does the low volume situation exist on all tuner, deck and phono in?

Just trying to get a little more info. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
I have the same unit!

This is a 100V boombox. Please see if anyone messed the power supply of it by connecting to higher AC voltage.
Check it on batteries!

Like Reli mentioned clean the record bar switch.


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
Firstly I'd like to say that sure is a nice, clean looking 9696! So firstly, are the VUs working correctly? Do all the tone and volume sliders appear to be working ok? Does the low volume situation persist when on battery power? Does the power light dim during operation when you crank the volume? Does the low volume situation exist on all tuner, deck and phono in?
Just trying to get a little more info. :-)
Then Vu's are working well
The sliders are OK although the treble is weak
Battery or mains is the same
The power light remains the same during all operation. The volume and lack of crispness is across the board. I'm reckoning about half volume.
The strange thing is when you press the lamp button it improves ever so slightly!?


Member (SA)
baddboybill said:
Also check the headphone jack as it may be dirty or corroded. Bad Boy Bill
The headphone jack looks in pretty good shape.
The sound is crappy through the headphones as well by the way. Very muffled.


Member (SA)
Maybe it´s because of the caps ? I´m no specialist, but lack of volume or any action sounds like capacitor or transistor problem. Good luck with this nice piece Rudey :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
The sound is even across both channels. The bass slider is effective. The treble somewhat less but still works. The volume is equal on both sliders. It's been 5-6 years since I bought a Sharp box but I'm positive this model should sound louder and clearer than this.
Another point is that it had never been opened before.


Boomus Fidelis
That box is 40Watts (20W/channel) It is very loud and got crisp clear sound with excellent bass. This is an M70 killer box.
Mine had a bad solder on the amp board and had no sound. In this case there is sound but it is low.
I have 2 of this 9696 and one 508 and none had this low volume problem.
I would again clean that record bar well. :yes:
It is a pain to remove the amp board and check for solder points that are loose but is worth a try.


Boomus Fidelis
Weird seems to sound good just no power🤔 plus it sounds equal on both speakers so it don't seem like bad amp chips or sliders. Maybe Norm can chime in.

Bad Boy Bill


Boomus Fidelis
I did listen on iPad now and noticed some crackling muffled sound coming out of speakers. I just can't see sliders being bad but might be since they are all on top of unit and get dirt and corrosion really easily and very bad often. 🤔

Bad Boy Bill


Member (SA)
Thank you Royce.
The box is now with Doc's who is taking a close look at it. He has worked on several of these before.
I've saved your picture to my files for reference.


Member (SA)
Well I finally got the time to look over this and figure out the low volume issue.
Here is a bit of a breakdown.

There was no doubt about it, the volume was low, clear and working but I would say roughly less than half the volume it should be beating out.
I tried the usual things to see if I could affect the volume, poking around and generally being a bit of a nuisance in the vain attempt of making the volume alter a little.
It worked, because I noticed that the SNRS switch on the front made the volume go even quieter when off than when on.

I did check the connections mentioned above but found them to be in good working order, one is ground and the other is the power rail.

With this information I set about downloading a beautifully clear service manual from Norm's site instead of using the crappy scanned versions doing the rounds.

I then focussed my attention on the power line and looking for a general idea of the flow of signal by looking at the block diagram.
After checking the power amp chips and establishing that those were working fine I then started looking for the single common components.
Back to the block diagram I could see some single components common to both channels.

This is what I started to focus my attention on:


These two IC's are located on the power board, the same board where the power amps are located.
See the noise reduction (SNRS) SW202?

At this stage I think I'm onto something so I go about checking voltages and find that IC551 checks out voltage wise, apart form the pins being fed from the peak detector IC552.

After a few more checks I focussed my attentions to the circuit around IC552.

Checkin the circuit diagram for this section, I could see that the SW202 was directly involved here in feeding the input signal to the IC552 pin 6.


Voltage checks on IC552 were not looking right but I was being careful to note that SW202 affects the voltage on IC552 so I checked with the switch on or off and found that there was no difference... and there most certainly should have been...

In order to prove that the IC was faulty I checked the resistors and noted that D554 was showing as though it could be shorted by allowing resistance readings in both directions so I lifted that diode out of the board to check it to be 100%. The diode checked out fine.

I did a quick search online for a replacement to LM385N and to my amazement found one in our local supply store Maplin for 0.39p. Picked one of these up the next day on lunch from work.
I figured that for the price I couldn't go wrong and if this gave the same results as before at least I knew I was in the right area and it could be another component such as a bad cap or resistor affecting the flow in the circuit.

That night I replaced the IC in 2 minutes and powered it up.
Hey Presto! volume had returned and was much louder. The kind of loudness I would expect.
IC552 is a very simple little chip.
In and amongst the above I checked the diagram of that chip since I couldn't see it in the service manual.
When I looked at the diagram and saw the voltages I was getting I became more and more convinced that this IC was the fault.


Hope this helps with others experiencing this issue in the future.
Norm, I hope you don't mind the snippets of the diagrams I have posted. If so let me know and I will remove them.
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