Pioneer SK-200: Tape preamp weak on one channel

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Member (SA)
Any hope for this little box? It's started playing low on tapes on the right channel. I've cleaned all contacts to no avail. It plays weak when I hook it up via line-out to my hi-fi, too. I'd describe the right channel as missing all highs, as if it had the volume a bit lower and a tone control circuit on it set way down. It plays fine on AUX and the radio. I've tried checking all wires, and I've tapped all the solder joints to see if any are now cold. I know it's a puny box, but I'm already attached to it, and besides, it's hard to get better fidelity and features in such a petite unit.


Member (SA)
I hadn't yet checked back at this forum, but I arrived at the same conclusion as both of you - the head alignment was wrong. I figured it out when i flipped a pre-recorded tape and found it played in balance on one side but not the other, then repeated with another tape to the same effect. Funny, as I had just set the azimuth a few days ago. In any case, it works in decent stereo now, and I have my portable audio fix sated until I get a second box.
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