Pioneer experts, please read...

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Member (SA)
Hello, I have the back off of my SK-71 and am trying to get to the belts. I can actually see one of the gear wheels missing a belt... :) I'm hopeful I have one here that will work...

However, I cannot seem to get the front casing off without seriously bending the top and side to get it out... and while looking at the exposed open back and trying to get the inner guts out, I feel like there is something on the right side that must be loosened or removed, but I can't see anything connected anywhere.

Needles to say (then why say it, right?)... I'm reluctant to force anything... Do any of you know the trick to removing the electronic guts out of these boxes? I think the SK-71 is the same case as the SK-95 and the SK-61 as well.

Any direction greatly appreciated...



Member (SA)
Thanks Bobby,

Okay, that did help and I got in there... I found the busted belt (snapped clean) and immediately called my local tech. He seems to have the ultimate tape deck belt reference manual and gave me the list of what belts I would need to do a full replacement.

So, without further ado, here is a list of all the belts for the Pioneer SK-71 (and probably the SK-61 and SK-95)

FRX 11.7 (11.7" inner circumfrence, W= 0.15", T=.031")
SCX 4.0 (4" x .046" square belt)
SCX 4.3 (4.3" x 0.46" square belt)
SCY 6.1 (6.1" x .031" square belt)

The SCX 4.3 and SCY 6.1 are related to the counter mechanism, which on the SK-71 is hooked up to a secondary hidden counter mechansm that serves as a tape deck "memory." I do not believe that is a feature on the SK-61 (has a clock instead) or the SK-95. Someone feel free to chime in and confirm. The counter belt is likely different on yours if you don't have the SK-71. I do believe the top two belts listed are required for the others mentioned.

Go figure that I dont have these among my growing belt-stash... Off to the internet to do some searching...


Boomus Fidelis
hopefully you got your pioneer up or taken apart, notice just for the record that these pioneers have to have the whole cassette door taken out, the door is one piece and is taken out pulling in a up fashion with the door a bit open it clips on the control bar of the deck , and that goes only for the 61,71,95, 21,31 those series of the sk family :-) :-) :-)
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