How long was it down?

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Well-Known Member
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When I went to bed last night at about 12AM CDT, the site was still up and running. When I got up this morning, I didn't check everything first off. I got some breakfast and chatted with the girls for a little bit. I guess I checked the website around 10:07AM CDT and noticed that it was giving the error that "/forum/" couldn't be found. I checked my other websites and they were all screwed up too. Some of my domains pointed to my other websites. It's like my DNS server went bonkers. It appears everything is running okay at the moment, but I'd like your help in trying to determine when exactly it went crazy so I can get a better idea of where I need to look in the logs.


Member (SA)
the site was up ok, than about 30 to 45 minutes ago I was trying to post a reply and it was taking forever, than I tried to reload the page and it kept coming up with that error, can not find site something.


Member (SA)
Hi Bobby-I noticed that when I clicked on Walkgir's ad's that she posted,I couldn't close that window!
Strange-I mean nothing-It wouldn't close it out.
The other thing I noticed is that I for some reason can't use the additional smilies??
I'm going to try today but this might just be my computer,I have a small virus that has been plagueing me lately,nothing real serious-it's just need to be reloaded and save my stuff(Re-load windows).
now I don't know if anyone else has had any problems like this so I just thought I'd tell you.
I hope everything is alright.
Have a great one-GB.
Whoa-there is no smilies right now!! Oh that's because it's forum news-that explains this one.


Member (SA)
I had the error you mentioned about /forum/ not existing and two red X's.

Then l tried the root level ( and got some stupid company page about watches....

Almost like the domain was temporarily suspended or hijacked ?????????


Member (SA)
Strange page I was getting, something about heavy duty wrist watches, some US based company.

Wasn't a redirect as the address bar didn't change.


Member (SA)
Bobby-I have had similar experiences in the past-yes some one was trying to hack your site or hijack it!
Good luck-GB.


Member (SA)
hI fatdog, I was on this morning when it happened. I was browsing the forum and then all of a sudden I received your error page about can't find the page I was looking for and that you better check the belts and change the batteries or something like that....and a link to this happened around 11 and est I believe. I thought that's weird, but kind of funny. It was like your own error page from your server. Anyway tried hitting the back button and all I was receiving was that page. So I tried going to your main page and sure enough it was replaced with a page that is selling a watch that is a phone for elderly people...kind of like a medical alert thing. It gave all the details about who to contact where to buy and so on. The other strange thing is that the boomboxery symbol was still on some ot the pages down at the bottom.....very strange.



Member (SA)
I was going to email you about it Bobby as I'm usually the nightwatchman around here.

I can message you on fecebook the minute I notice something untowards like that happen if you like.

Rock On.


Member (SA)
All I can tell you is that I got up and it wouldn't work.

I got halfway through building a new boombox site, and then 'BAM' boomboxery was back on line.

Good job portly pooch!



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've narrowed it down to a few IP addresses that I will be watching closely. :ninja:


Staff member
Ewen said:

Upgrade the wife?

Although that has been known to help, the cost to do that will never outweigh the rising cost of medications. Best bet, pay the doc once. The ex-wife...a lifetime!!! :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
oldskool69 said:
Ewen said:

Upgrade the wife?

Although that has been known to help, the cost to do that will never outweigh the rising cost of medications. Best bet, pay the doc once. The ex-wife...a lifetime!!! :lol: :lol:

forget the doctor just trade Ira a boombox for some of his Viagra stash
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