Hello from Portugal


New Member
Hello everyone,

I never considered myself a boombox collector or restorer but... recently I realized I have 5 different boomboxes in my bedroom alone (15 altogether) and that I am browsing online sales for interesting deals and curious radios so... maybe I am. I think my most important radios (and largest) are the Sharp VZ-2500 (which I use a lot) and the HK9000. I also enjoy the Sony yellow sports line, owning a few walkmans and three small yellow boomboxes. I am not wealthy so I cannot afford the big ones, and online prices these days are... well, you know.

Mostly I enjoy the challenge of buying a cheap malfunctioning good looking radio and somehow managing to make it better. I consider myself lucky when the issue can be solved with new belts or some solder. But I am always fearful of ruining something because I am an amateur, unfortunately. And I also enjoy the pleasure of listening to music from the same age as the radio itself...

Regards everyone,

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Member (SA)
Welcome, I like your outlook it's very satisfying breathing life back into a Boombox!