GF-8585X - idler tire / pinch roller tire replacements ?

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Member (SA)
Hey all, I need to replace the idler and pinch roller tires on my 8585X as they are both rock hard. Any sources for replacements I should be aware of ?




Member (SA)
Thanks Bill, good link. I've actually located a domestic supplier with a similar range just this afternoon. Being in NZ, it would he nice to do away with costly shipping so I will see if these local guys can help. I've replaced the idler tire just now with a nitrile o-ring of the same dimensions and it seems to work well. I just need to either soften or replace the pinch roller now :-)


Member (SA)
I have pinch rollers but a long way away
and my items are from Japan and the yen is at a high now
I sell on ebay nikonfoo but will do a better deal for a brother
But I understand that local is best my shipping is $6 ahhhhhhh
just putting the option


Boomus Fidelis
Thanks Bill, good link. I've actually located a domestic supplier with a similar range just this afternoon. Being in NZ, it would he nice to do away with costly shipping so I will see if these local guys can help. I've replaced the idler tire just now with a nitrile o-ring of the same dimensions and it seems to work well. I just need to either soften or replace the pinch roller now :-)

Problem with pinch rollers is after they get hard there are cracks 👎

Bad Boy Bill
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