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Member (SA)
This instrumental will definitely not be familiar to most of you, but it was a classic opening and closing theme on one and the only radio station that broadcasted rock and pop in the late hours when I grew up in former Yugoslavia back in the ‘80s. Don't let it turn you of, most of the top local performers of that time recorded in London, Pink Floyd studios etc. but the language barrier prevented their success abroad. Fortunately, this one is an instrunental. The guitarist Zlatko Manojlovic comoposed it while he was in the army (compulsory service) so it is packed with typical soldier nostagia for the hometown and the girl he loves which is said in the title “To one woman“. Superb emotional solo guitar, a farewell to the seventies from the new decade... Emotional orgasmic blues, that must be listened in the dark, after midnight, on your own or with someone you love.



Member (SA)
Good find, I really do like this type of music and think this particular instrumental is brilliant - I could listen to this sort of thing for hours, very good for easing away the aches and pains of everyday life!
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