April Fool's Day 2011

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hahahahaha *cough* *cough* Hahahahahahaha!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, you guys were subjected to a prank today that had been in the planning for quite a while. Unfortunately, only a handful of members seem to have figured out the hidden link on the "seized" page.

The first clue is "omnes stultorum," which can be translated from Latin into "all fools."

Then, for the true investigators, it would be discovered that there is in fact no Chapter 51 to the United States Code. The fake Section 401 is for April 1st (4/01). The hidden link was actually on the "401". And for Max, the missing period (point) after the one "C" is just like the original image - even our own government didn't get it right. :dunce:

Clicking on the link took you to a congratulations page with an image and a link to continue on to the forum. After that, you were good to go!

Congratulations to Terry, Alex, and Max!! :thumbsup: They were apparently the only ones to discover the hidden link (Terry was the first).

I'm here!!! Hahahahhahahahahhahaa GREAT Prank!!!! Almost forgot April Fools day!!! (remember I'm not in the U.S. and here it's december 28th) :w00t: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Wow I almost passed out when I saw it early this morning.. I could only imagen ira being taken by homeland security :w00t: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

JVC Floyd

Inactive (Delete)
you got me good bobby :nonono: i was ready to start the free fat dog bail out fund , i was hoping it was a joke .i'm glad it was :-D .


Member (SA)
I had no time to investigate... Skippy was coming over this morning so I had to haul some boxes around to prepare for that! :w00t:

I wish I had time to find your Easter Egg! :-/


Staff member
I finally found the link by viewing page source.

On real siezed websites, the home page has a single .gif image, whereas Bobby's page actually has a webpage called "seized.html." Actual seized websites have the seized imaged immediately on the homepage.

Finally I noticed that the text is part of the graphics on real seized pages.
Bobby's image lacked text and rather was used as a canvas for the text, which can be selected, copied/pasted, unlike real seized pages which couldn't.


Member (SA)
Ya know, I thought it was a hack :grim: - as it happened to a friend on Youtube about 2 months ago- I never even THOUGHT about the April Fools thing... *good* one! :w00t:

Lasonic TRC-920


Your efforts to make this a fun place to hang out are once again noted Mr. FD!
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Today is also my wedding anniversary! :hmmm: :yes: :lol:
:chris920: :rock: :chris920: :rock: :chris920:
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