AIWA 955 Music Search issue

Grateful Dad

New Member
I just installed new belts and reconditioned the idler tire and pinch roller. Everything is working well except Music Search.
It looks like the solenoid that moves the metal plate over to allow FF/RR to engage while play is also engaged is in the reverse of where it should be and is really hot to the touch after having MS on for a while. It seems that a sensor somewhere in the circuit is opposite of what is should be. I believe that the 2nd belt above the main belt on the flywheel is for the MS system. As all belts were goo when I opened it up, best efforts were made to not move items that were cleaned. However, it seems that the MS solenoid is staying in when it should be pushed out. I can get the buttons both(PLAY and either RR or FF be engaged and locked together) just as they should when searching for song gaps when the unit is powered off. Plug it in and the solenoid rod pulls up moving the plate aside and not allowing the FF/RR to lock in place while play is engaged.

If anyone out there has experience with this system and could offer some advice, it would be greatly appreciated. It has a PM-1 mechanism and the supplemental document is missing from what I can find online.

Thank you,
Grateful Dad


Member (SA)
I just had the opposite problem on a different box so I'm not sure if this will apply to the 955.
Verify the leaf contacts are working correctly.
It sounds like one of yours is always in contact energizing the solenoid.
You or someone before you may have inadvertently bent one of them.
If it is this, it's an easy fix.