
  1. Fatdog

    Sanyo M-X920

    How many members have a Sanyo M-X920 in either the standard or Japanese version? Just curious...
  2. EponaOne

    Sanyo M-X920K restoration. Help desperately needed...

    My M-X920 needs restoration. It's clean. I finally got it to properly record from LINE IN without consistent buzzing, but recording quality in general still is not so great. Still buzzing a little from time to time when ALC is on or during the recording process only when carrying, or moving it...
  3. mmcodomino

    Sanyo day! Finally reunited with a 920 :D

    After owning a 920K a year ago, I know how good they are...sadly i had to part with mine...it was very beaten and far beyond being restorable. Anyhow, two weeks ago, I got a call from a collector friend who told me something about an RX7700 on eBay. I was still rather sleepy and when I opened my...