Clairtone & Aimor size comparison.


Staff member
I saw one of these in person when I visited Redbenjoe many years ago. I recall not being very impressed with the quality when he showed it to me. The look does remind me a lot of the Sanyo M-X920 but sort of stretched taller, without a proportional increase in the size of the knobs etc. so it looks like a weird out of proportion sanyo. This isn't something I ever looked inside of but I imagine it will be a big empty box but rare because it's silver. Most big empty boxes are black. I'm not digging those 2 big empty patches next to the tweeters... at least the Conion included duplicate, if fake, tweeter bezels.


Member (SA)
I like it because it's big and it gives zero ****s . I'm a bastard child myself so I understand lol.


Member (SA)
Yeah the quality is only average....But the volume is LOUD
Same as the Trident P2000 crap quality but they can pound out some sound. Honestly most of the time all I can afford was cheap quality that's why the M90 was such a Leap Forward when I finally got one that's why I still say it was my first real boombox. Because in the boombox world that thing brought new meaning to badass.

Radio raheem

Member (SA)
using the only 1 piece i have left the m90......point is she looks in such a state I'm not sure what to do:blink: i would choose the conion out of the two it just looks badass even though the conion was to loud for me lol


Member (SA)
I've seen a lot of boomboxes over the years but I think the aimor is about the biggest one piece box that only has only one tape deck that I have seen.
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