Comedy relief


Member (SA)
We need a good joke section here so post up your best jokes once you know or ones you can come up with I'll start the ball rolling by saying I was so poor when I was young that up until the time I was 3 years old I didn't know that Alpo didn't make baby food.


Member (SA)
There was a bear shitting in the woods and a rabbit jumped in front of him so the bear asks you ever had a problem with s*** sticking to your fur rabbit said no not really so the bear wipes his ass with the rabbit.

Radio raheem

Member (SA)
we need a masturbation section for old bogies.....that is a joke in it/s self lol

about all we could masturbate over is the queen.........that is how old we are lol

why do they call it a blow job when the ladies actually suck lol
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Radio raheem

Member (SA)
i cant edit posts quick enough damn//////i said i need a teliscope to find it lol........anyway hows it hangin the left i hope lol

it's so small i thought it was a pubic hair till i pissed through it lol


Member (SA)
Buy a magnifying glass it automatically adds 6 inches lol.
I've stayed single my whole life because I don't want to be like a circus animal jumping through f****** fiery Hoops just to please a m************ crowd.


Member (SA)
i cant edit posts quick enough damn//////i said i need a teliscope to find it lol........anyway hows it hangin the left i hope lol

it's so small i thought it was a pubic hair till i pissed through it lol
Oh my s***'s the perfect size it works for me every time lol.

Radio raheem

Member (SA)
i have stayed single because the ladies get an itchy faanny and divorce you take the house and all you're gear/////it's getting to the point over here soon you will be in jail for just talking to a woman lad////fooook that for a game of soldiers

they are promoting gay as the new norm make sense of that


Member (SA)
Find yourself a rich old wrinkly hag that nobody else wants at least that way you can bleed her ass dry . I guess puking in the toilet after sex beats paying alimony.


Member (SA)
Find yourself a rich old wrinkly hag that nobody else wants at least that way you can bleed her ass dry . I guess puking in the toilet after sex beats paying alimony.
My only saving grace is that I totally undesirable it's like being Superman the bullets Just Bounce right off.
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Radio raheem

Member (SA)
Find yourself a rich old wrinkly hag that nobody else wants at least that way you can bleed her ass dry . I guess puking in the toilet after sex beats paying alimony.
all i need is a tube to the computer/////then i can have a virtual blow job lol

i chose to be single for many reasons.....i would not have it any other way..........anyway nobody could cope with the way i am and all my crap and would not be fair on them lad..........i'i.m only happy when i.m sleeping lol
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Member (SA)
I've always said anybody who could be happy in this life is just oblivious to the misery around them.
Basically if you can be happy it's because you've accepted the Cesspool you live in which is the Earth. I actually know people that are totally content to sit in a chair and watch TV surrounded by their own garbage and feces.
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Member (SA)
I'd rather live f****** 65 million years ago and take my chances With The Dinosaurs cuz you probably make out better than dealing with the human race I want to live in a time before garbage and waste and destruction even though your ass might get ate at any moment it's still worth it.

Radio raheem

Member (SA)
i can.t be happy all the peoplr i cared about are gone and money does not help people with millions have killed themselves
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Radio raheem

Member (SA)
I'd rather live f****** 65 million years ago and take my chances With The Dinosaurs cuz you probably make out better than dealing with the human race I want to live in a time before garbage and waste and destruction even though your ass might get ate at any moment it's still worth it.
they wouldn.t want my ass anyway i.m a skunk seriously lol

who the hell can afford a shower these days


Member (SA)
they wouldn.t want my ass anyway i.m a skunk seriously lol

who the hell can afford a shower these days
All you can do is your best if people want you to improve they should help you if you will accept the help if not then hey I'm all for living the way you want to as long as it don't hurt anybody else.