weight loss


Member (SA)
I will need to update my photo soon. I went into one of those medical weight loss places where they give you HCG tablets and B-injections. I have lost 29lbs in 6 weeks and my wife lost 17lbs. To say I feel so much better is an understatement. My wife lost the equivalent of what the Brooklyn Boombox weighs. We both are back to our wedding day weight (19 years ago) and I plan on losing another 25 to be at my HS weight.
Just throwing this out there for all. The biggest change was not eating any refined sugars, no bread, no pasta, no dairy and no anything processed. We grill our veggies and reduced our meat portions. Once you get used to it (two-3 weeks) your body isn't as hungry to wipe out everything in sight. (like I used to!) I gave up Pizza too which was my nemesis for weight gain. I don't add any dressing to my salads but instead use oregano, salt and pepper, Sometimes a little dose of lemon. You really get to appreciate the taste of salad. I have begun to really enjoy drinking coffee the way it is supposed to be had. Black.
My starting weight was 229 and I'm 5'8. Eating out was also a reason for the weight gain too. We chose poorly and enjoyed that buttery cheesy sauce on pasta... Ugh, grosses me out now!
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
Congratulations on the weight loss, Simon! I'd give it go myself, but then I'd have to change my username to "NotSoFatdog" - it just doesn't have that special ring to it. :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
Well, the name change is better than getting sick and dealing with health issues! We'd like for you to stick around too!

Now with that good news, I have some bad.... Unrelated to this thread but I started to put the D8443 back together today and although it went nicely, when I powered it up, I let out the smoke. I couldn't capture it to put it back! I don't know what went wrong. I PM'ed Bill to see if he had a schematic on it. Perhaps I connected the power wires to the wrong terminals. One capacitor was hot but not blown up. Maybe, just maybe it may come to life once i figure it out. Box sure looks awesome though.


Member (SA)
May 16, 2018
Colorado Springs
My brother got the $19 Weight watchers app on his phone, uses it everyday and it addresses most chain restaurant menu's. He's lost 30lbs in 3 months, even allows him his 2 glasses of bourbon a day.

I congratulate you on your weight loss, stay healthy my friend!


Member (SA)
Good for you and your wife,and I mean it most sincere. Yeah, I did the same thing myself about 19 or 20 yrs ago. I'm 53 now,about to turn 54. I'm not taking anything for bad health. Like Statins for cholesterol or pills for high blood pressure nor anything to do with diabetes. Now I'm not saying look at how great I am. Don't get me wrong. Just saying I'm nobody special,I put my pants on one leg atta time like everyone else. Also I'd like to congratulate you and your wife! Its tough going at first. Esp when everyone is having pizza and beer and fettuccine Alfredo and the likes. However I look around at my peers and even people 10 to 20 yrs younger than me and they look like they're smuggling a basket ball under their shirts.Or worse,they weigh around 250 to 300lbs and vitually none of it is muscle.One can do generally so much more physically when you are at your propper weight. So I say to you and the misses,keep up the great work,its worth it.


Member (SA)
Thanks for the well wishes guys!
I have to agree that it seems as if most people our age are morbidly obese. Its really disgusting what has happened in this country. I do not condone any food regulation by the government, but I do believe there needs to be better education about proper nutrition. I had the smuggled basketball appearance along with a shelf on top for the trophies. I looked hideous. Found myself on my own surveillance cameras and thought, wow, This is not how I want people to see me. It is easy to go to Olive Garden and pig out. They do give you way too much food. I am down from 229 to 188. I plan to get to 165/170 which is where I need to be to be not classified as overweight. We have changed our eating habits and cook home or choose wisely when going out. Most of which is Greek style seasoned Kebobs and veggies.


Member (SA)
Jan 7, 2012
Toronto, Canada
Good for you Simon. Both my wife and I committed ourselves to losing weight and I lost 9kg's (20 lbs) since April but I've see-sawed since then a bit but I feel a ton better.

Keep up the fight Simon...it's not easy but is absolutely essential for our health. Good luck!!


New Member
May 15, 2023
I can totally relate to your weight loss journey. It's amazing how making some changes can have such a positive impact on our health and well-being. I've been on a weight loss mission myself and recently stumbled upon an article about steroids for weight loss on LA Weekly. It's an interesting read if you're looking for alternative methods. Check it out at https://www.laweekly.com/best-steroid-for-weight-loss/. Just remember to do thorough research and consult a professional before trying anything new. I'm new to this forum and excited to connect with fellow weight loss enthusiasts. Your progress is truly inspiring, and it's great to hear that you and your wife have achieved such fantastic results.
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