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Member (SA)
trippy1313, on 27 Mar 2015 - 6:52 AM, said:

caution said:
So as far as approximate dates for a meet, anybody have any suggestions? August was mentioned, which is usually one of our more rain-free times.

With it being wedding season though, for me my only free Saturday's are the 1st and 22nd.

But if majority has the other 3 weekends as a better date that's fine, there just better be a cutout picture of my head to hold in a group photo.

September has been really nice the last few years as well. July might be okay but I know that's usually a busy month for a lot of people. May/June could be nice, but really unpredictable weather.
I think it's about time we answered back to those Cali boys with a meet of our own next year, perhaps later in the spring when everyone isn't so busy yet. It doesn't even have to be nice out if we decide to rent a banquet room inside somewhere.


Member (SA)
Yeah I agree. I've murmured here and there about doing a northwest meet. But never found the time to set anything up.


Member (SA)
Time seems to be a precious thing lately, I am so busy this summer! But I still want to have a meet sometime, even if it's just you and me, haha. I have so many boxes now it might be cool to join forces for a weekend.


Member (SA)
I'm closer to where Caution is there in the Portland area than I am to the L.A. guys. Got a bro up in Beaverton so I might be able to make it. I'd just hop on I-5 and head North.


Member (SA)
WE should DO this,,, Monroe fair grounds or Puyallup at Eagle's, Weather is ichy (BAD on speakers) at best so it should be inside unless we plan according, I"M IN!!!


Member (SA)
Heck if the weather is like the last two years, late spring-early summer would be easy to do an outdoor meet. Maybe downtown Seattle or Portland? Unless there's any cool towns in between?


Member (SA)
Auburn Eagles here in Washington state has a huge RV lot with hook-ups and a Bar on-sight!
I just got 2 more boxes, one for X-mas (Realistic SCR-8) and one that was given as a gift GE model,
Ohh + one single chassis GE 3-5280C I just could not resist as it's rare and pristine... I really scored on this one...


Member (SA)
YES trippy1313,
it's a nice place to camp out and one of the bigger Eagle's Fanternal's which has an RV park. We should do this event no matter how many comes,,, (I have 5 to bring). It's located in south end of Washington state near Puyallup. Weather should be in good standing so we can set-up outside &/or under tents.

My X-mas's one (a gift to me from me) a GE 3-5280C is a wonderful single chassis box indeed. I just cannot believe what an E-bay score this really was... 94% graded! Sounds great for a "single chassis box" and to find anything in this shape at all!
Will post pics as soon as I get them loaded on Picturetrail


Member (SA)
Shortstuff said:
YES trippy1313,
it's a nice place to camp out and one of the bigger Eagle's Fanertal's which has an RV park. We should do this event no matter how many comes,,, (I have 5 to bring). It's located in south end of Washington state near Puyallup. Weather should be in good standing so we can set-up outside &/or under tents.

My X-mas's one (a gift to me from me) a GE 3-5280C is a wonderful single chassis box indeed. I just cannot believe what an E-bay score this really was... 94% graded! Sounds great for a "single chassis box" and to find anything in this shape at all!
Will post pics as soon as I get them loaded on Picturetrail
Yeah, I know where the Auburn Eagles is. Right at the bottom of the Muckleshoot hill. Not bad, there's the park a mile down the road too.


Member (SA)
Which park?
I was thinking along the lines of folks wanting a place to stay for the weekend as well. I'ts safer than a public park as too many homeless campers around now...


Member (SA)
Shortstuff said:
Which park?
I was thinking along the lines of folks wanting a place to stay for the weekend as well. I'ts safer than a public park as too many homeless campers around now...
I just meant hanging out during the day we could do like a lunch at a park. There Les Gove Park across the street and Game Farm Park a couple miles down the road.


Member (SA)
trippy1313 said:
Yeah I agree. I've murmured here and there about doing a northwest meet. But never found the time to set anything up.
Lol...still Trippy after all these years.
Sigh...oh well...back on the chain gang.

Murmur murmur! Grumble grumble! Murmur murmur!


Boomus Fidelis
Let us know if you guys set this up! I was planning on driving up to Crater Lake anyway.


Member (SA)
WOW soo impressed with the interest here, I will contact them for cost on renting out the RV spaces as I am NOT a member. Otherwise find a different spot.


Member (SA)
Kenpat said:
Yeah I agree. I've murmured here and there about doing a northwest meet. But never found the time to set anything up.
Lol...still Trippy after all these years.
Sigh...oh well...back on the chain gang.

Murmur murmur! Grumble grumble! Murmur murmur!
Hahaha. Ken!!! Yeah I know, same old story.
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