GhettoLED - The Evolved Led Mod

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Member (SA)
May 14, 2012
Windsor, Ontario, CANADA
Hisrudeness said:
This is way better. A lot more tasteful than what I’ve previously seen.

Nice work
I have to agree. I've always had an ideal in my mind that I could not achieve with the controllers at my disposal. The title 'JVC M70 EVOLVED LED MOD' is particularly curious to me because this comes closer to what i could imagine as possible. Having a programmable PWM computer module that could use software language to control LED's would open up endless possibilities,as far as lighting effects....especially with individually addressable LEDs, etc...


Member (SA)
Jul 16, 2013
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Dancorp said:
Known issues:

- Some lillte ground noise.
Maybe you could try a DC-DC converter?
Nope, 5VDC come from a dedicated power supply, i pretty sure the noise does'nt come from a kind of ground loop.
The noise stop when i unplug the lineout from the arduino. I have to use a filter i think.
I'd bet it may in fact be a ground loop, but through the negative sides of the line-outs. That was my problem when I hardwired a Bluetooth module in one of my radios. The audio negatives were connected to the negative on the module, so using them all made a sound. Also grounding in the wrong spot did it too. It had to be grounded to the main ground


Member (SA)
Apr 13, 2017
Marseille, France
I no longer get the forum notifications, it's boring!

This is the third time I've checked the parameters and everything is ok. Is gmail filtering?


Member (SA)
Jul 16, 2013
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
I this something that took a bunch of programming and tedious work? Or is it pretty simply the LED strip and controller connected to the radio power and audio output? I'm really curious about trying this on my beater m70 first.


Member (SA)
Apr 13, 2017
Marseille, France
trippy1313 said:
I this something that took a bunch of programming and tedious work? Or is it pretty simply the LED strip and controller connected to the radio power and audio output? I'm really curious about trying this on my beater m70 first.
My work is based on a code i found on youtube. You have to mod it (number of LED on each strip...) but most of the work is already done.
Concerning the hardware, all is based on an arduino board but you have to add electronics parts on a prototype board. (some soldering skills are needed)
in fact, the hardest thing I think is integration. that's easy on M70 but could be harder on an another boombox.
You have to find a switch to operate the system, and in the case of the M70 I had to modify it with a small switch placed under the plastic button because of a ground problem.

In the end, there's nothing insurmountable, but it's not Plug & Play though.

(Thanks online translators)


Member (SA)
Jul 16, 2013
Seattle-Tacoma, WA
Oh cool. I ended up ordering the the regular Uno for now, to kinda tinker with stuff and see if I can figure out how to use it. Possibly might try to copy your custom board for myself another time if that's okay?


Member (SA)
Apr 13, 2017
Marseille, France
No problem
I plan to make and share a schematic of my custom PCB, but both my computers need to be reinstalled before I install CAD software like Kicad or simply Fritzing, and put everything on GIthub.


Member (SA)
May 14, 2012
Windsor, Ontario, CANADA
Hey you mad mod demon! What's crackin'? So, if you have to modify the routines for LED addressing, IE amount of LEDs, how hard is that to do on your PC, Win7-64? Do all the routines only work with 2 LED strips or are you free to wire it in different sections & adjust the software accordingly? My mind is exploding with possibilities....even if it takes more than 1 module to do it, it could really be amazing...

I guess what I'm asking is, can this module control separate strips independently, with full RGB control or does the manipulation happen as a single channel, I.E. no matter how many strips are connected to the output in parallel, the same sequence of LEDs are activated if connected & present in each section?

Just 1 of a billion questions...sorry. I was blown away by your mod & want to try something with your module. Love it!!


Member (SA)
Apr 13, 2017
Marseille, France
Most of the work on the source code has be done by a youtuber, and my code is based on a follower one.
In my case i have mod it to had a led strip for the Vu meters, and to change the button operations. (Short/long press effects)

So yes, you can add unlimited led strip, but the code has be created to have a stereo response. (Left/ Right speakers = Left/Right sound way)
Depending on your programming skills, you can clone the responsives strips or had new ones.

Arduino code looks like C++ language, you have many tuto on the web. You don't need a super-powerful computer.
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