C-100F tape drawer trim spec


Member (SA)
Mar 25, 2014
I know a lot of you would like a new tape drawer trim, including myself (mine's usable, but scratched, dented, warped, you name it) that looks true to the original, so I figured the only way to do that is reverse engineer it. The screenshot gets blurry so I attached the PDF. I'm still cleaning up the lettering from photos I took, but will be 100% the same. They used Helvetica Roman so it was easy to reproduce.

I have no idea how much this might cost, but this should zero in on that. A large run would best offset tooling charges, so if enough people are interested maybe we could go in on an order. I'm also working on a drawing for the trim around the cassette buttons, I have it all measured out, I just need time to draw it.



Member (SA)
Dec 4, 2017

I put this on the tech forum, but maybe that's the wrong place to ask this question. I'm really close to having a lower cassette drawer made. However, I've had trouble producing exact-replica trim. It's darned difficult to make those little folds.

I don't want to delay making these available. I have a couple of work arounds. First, I can easily produce a flat piece of trim that sets nicely on the front of the drawer. It will have the text on it and will look like it belongs on the boombox. Second, I can provide them without trim and you can work it out yourselves.

My goal has ultimately been to produce a working near exact replica of the factory drawer, to include the trim, that is ready to put on a C-100. I want that for my own C-100 and I want to make that available to members of the forum. However, I figure that most folks who are lacking the lower cassette drawer, including myself, want it to be whole, to have all its parts, and to look good and not some jerry rigged piece of filler in that space. If I produce a drawer with flat trim, it will look good and anyone looking at it will think it is part of the boombox from the factory. However, anyone who knows what they're looking at will know it isn't from the factory. To be fair, the drawer I'm producing wouldn't pass a close exam anyways. It will be a fully working drawer that holds cassettes and looks pretty darned close to the original, but ours is a little bit more robust, will look new and won't be as brittle as the ones that came with the box. Long story short, it will be an improvement.

So let me know what you'd be interested in. We had to purchase new equipment to make the drawer and we're trying to work out the bugs now. I'm shooting for posting pictures on Monday.