Avoid UK eBay user earnoise


Member (SA)
Jun 26, 2010
United Kingdom
I sold a fully working Philips 7 speaker unit to this person and checked it over fully, proved that the deck was playing, fast-forwarding and rewinding before writing the description. The deck may have needed a new belt to make it as good as it could be, but it did work, I played an original Vanilla Ice tape, listened to several tracks etc.

Buyer requests partial refund saying deck is "sluggish", I decline since I know that it was working fine and may need a belt to resolve.
I said that if he wants he can just return it... at the price it was sold at, it wasn't worth it to give it away...

Then goes quiet for 3 days while he proceeds to open it, take the deck apart and remove the gears to then say that the gears were broken, raises a return claim, cancels it after 2 minutes then leaves negative feedback on my account which has been open since 2003 and has 100% positive feedback and with dozens of boombox sales.

This guy is on this forum and I have no doubt will come here making all sorts of claims. Truth is, he has not been entirely honest with other members either, "losing" boxes which weren't his, going inside units and breaking them then saying it was like that, not paying up leaving others having to chase small amounts etc etc etc.

I only leave this here so as to warn other UK members to avoid eBay user earnoise. If you sell to him you are taking a risk.
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Member (SA)
Apr 16, 2012
North West UK
Yeh I know who this is and I shipped him a box (outside of eBay) before he paid, on trust. Took months, several reminders, a claim he had already paid, before he actually paid up.

I’ve blocked him on eBay

I trust Dave 100% as a buyer and a seller, there is no way he’d mislead on a sale. This strikes me as someone being a chancer and seeing if they can force through an unjustified discount. We know people do this, I’ve seen it happen a lot.

That’s not forgetful, as I’d put him not paying down to, it’s just extortion. He may well be viewed as a nice guy in other aspects, but in deals there’s something not right.

Anyway, that’s just my view


Member (SA)
Jul 14, 2014
I can happily say Docs is among the most straight forward guys around and i would 100% trust him in any sale. Given that i have heard multiple complaints about the buyer i think its pretty clear where the issue is.


Member (SA)
Jul 26, 2015
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK.
T-STER said:
I've dealt with Nick a number of times without the hint of a hitch, anything untoward, underhand or otherwise 'iffy', I'm so surprised and quite shocked as I've only ever known him as a very affable, honest, straight talking guy. :-O I have never met Docs but his reputation as a truly wonderful person and all round Good Egg certainly precedes him so I feel he is being his usual honest self in this matter so feel no reason to doubt what he has said.

I remain..................... :blink:


Member (SA)
Dec 24, 2010
There is surely a misunderstanding here, considering you're both longstanding members. Docs, did Nick know who you were, beyond your Ebay username? I ask because it seems odd he would so quickly leave you negative feedback if he knew that you were Docs. I'm betting he didn't know.

Also, getting negative feedback is preferable to having a still-open claim.

Finally, you mentioned above that the deck "may have needed a new belt to make it as good as it could be"......Did you say that in your auction? To prepare the buyer for that possibility? Was the deck behaving a certain way that you could have described in the auction?

Please don't take this wrong -- just trying to throw out some possibilities here.

Radio raheem

Member (SA)
May 13, 2009
sorry these things can happen, i have bought from docs with no issues but then my big ben lasted 2 days and i gave it away, im not having a go docs just saying these things can happen, phillips can break just like that and i chose to stay away from them, had no issues with Nick and iv had svral boxes from him


Member (SA)
May 5, 2012
Sunny Brisbane, Australia
I think this whole ‘partial discount’ for a minor fault in a 35 year old Boombox is just rediculous. These things can be notoriously unreliable at times so if you buy a cheap, ancient boombox and expect a huge discount because of a minor issue like a slow playing deck then you’re a douche.

And as for whether or not Nick knew Docs was a Boomboxery member is irrelevant. Only stitching up ‘non members’ is hardly the high moral ground is it?!

I have a tonne of cool boxes I’d like to send to EBay but stories like this have kept me out of the EBay selling game.


Member (SA)
I'm with Jimmy. The only reason I don't sell more on eBay is simply because of fear of buyers out there that behave like a 40 year old boombox that was used most of it's life as a garage football should behave like a brand new unit out of the box. In all my years, I have seldom ever complained about any item I purchased unless it was egregiously misrepresented. If I bought something and it worked the day I got it, then tomorrow, it went poof, I never complained. Even when it didn't work as representedl, if it was otherwise minty, I almost always kept it. It is the nature of buying aged old electronics with mechanical parts. I'm a lot more sensitive to cosmetic representation and broken/missing parts that are not disclosed. A slow deck? Gimme a break, I've rebelted units, put them back on the shelf and years later when I go to try them again, the decks not right again. Depends on the model but some are very finicky and just always seem to be needing attention.

As for whether or not someone knows an item is being sold by another Boomboxery member is totally irrelevant. As I said, it simply doesn't happen that a person will check their morals depending upon the forum they are negotiating. When it manifests usually depends upon whether or not they think they can get away with it though.

On transactions conducted via this forum, it's a little harder to scam because aside from PayPal offering some buyer protection, the feedback forum is much more robust allowing open discussions and no feedback ratings (stars, or numbers like eBay). On eBay transactions, there are far more methods of scamming a seller, the mechanism of how that process works is well known and thus, allowing would be scammers to work the system. Additionally, a FB system that allows only 80 characters with only sellers being able to be leave neg... no wonder sellers are at a disadvantage. How do you identify and call out bad buyers on eBay? You can't, which is why you have what you see today. If they would do that on a transaction here, there is the risk of the truth being told and that becomes somewhat of a deterrent.

Docs said he offered to take the unit back. But buyer decides instead to open up the boombox? To me, a buyer who would decide to take an item apart has already acknowledged he is keeping it. Buyers remorse is not a reason to ask for a discount after the fact. Obviously, we've only heard one side of the story and there's usually 2 sides, so I would welcome the other sides story. But so far, things I have read sounds disturbing to me. A buyer that takes apart a unit and removes gears suggests to me that he's already accepted the boombox and should move on.

Radio raheem

Member (SA)
May 13, 2009
well i know and respect both members, so how do you find out what's what, if the boombox was working in the first place Nick wouldn't had to take it apart

i dunno lol...im glad im not involved and not a moderator


Member (SA)
Well, if Doc said he was willing to take the item back, then Nick had a choice -- send it back or accept it. IF it wasn't working to Nicks satisfaction, and I understand that in some cases, that's entirely possible then it's great to have a seller say "ok, send it back". But why in the world would you proceed and dismantle it? DON'T DO THAT unless you've accepted the item, because if you are filing a claim which could result in item being returned to sender, then the item needs to go back to seller IN THE SAME CONDITION and that simply isn't the case if you are going to open it up. Anyways, in decades of buying used stereo gear, less than 10% of the stuff I buy arrived in 100% working condition that can't be nit picked upon. If you are picky enough, you can always find something.