Some guy named Constantine Zagradski


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
So, this guy named Constantine Zagradski apparently was upset that he was mentioned in the ebay feedback section. His ebay ID is crimea_cat. Months after the initial post, I receive an e-mail from the guy. It goes off the rails at some point, but it is good for a laugh. His comments will be orange. My comments will be blue. Dates are included.


June 29, 2022

Hello Admin Team, thank you very much for removing my name from the tread:

I really appreciate it very much! Please also remove the link to my eBay page:

I do not like it and eBay does not like it when I showed the page to eBay agent.
Please understand the right to my privacy.

Thank you
Constantine Zagradski

July 7, 2022

Hello Admin Team,

I had asked you to remove any references to my name and links to my personal information from the following page:

The name was removed but the rest is still there. Please urgently remove the link to my eBay page and the title to avoid personal deformation claim.

I am providing you with my email address every time but not even once anyone wrote me any emails, please do not be ignorant because this only pushes me into future confrontation with your service.

Thank you
Constantine Zagradski

July 7, 2022

Hello Mr. Zagradski,

Your request has been brought to my attention. At this time, there will be no removal of the thread mentioned. Also, there will be no further editing to remove your ebay ID. The point of that particular section of the forum is to highlight good ebay sellers and buyers, and bring attention to those sellers and buyers who wind up being more trouble than anticipated.

You could register at the Boomboxery forum and state your side of the story in that thread. However, I would say that reviving a thread that is now more than eight months old simply to come in and start complaining might not do the good that you anticipate. I could be wrong, though.

My advice would be "let sleeping dogs lie." That section of the forum does not see very much action anyway – the last activity was in January of this year.

Best regards,
Boomboxery Administrator

July 12, 2022

Hello Admin Team,

I contacted you on several occasions with the request to remove all traces concerning my public image under Public Deformation Act. Apart from my name nothing was removed. I will now make an official complaint to Unified Layer - your hosting provider as well as consider the personal claim against your website served in UK unless you fully compliant with my request. For the last time - please remove crimea_cat from the title and full web link to my eBay page:

Thank you
Constantine Zagradski

July 12, 2022

My dearest Constantine,

You were given a path to state your case on the forum, and you have chosen not to do so. You cannot actually prove that you are the owner of the ‘crimea_cat' account on ebay - short of sharing your password. If you wish to share your password, a colleague can verify your identity and hopefully get this matter resolved. Otherwise, "for the last time," the answer is unequivocally – no.

Any further communication from you, personally or via representation by a third party, will be considered harassment and electronic bullying.

Warmest regards,

July 29, 2022

Hello Admin Team,

I wrote you several times before asking to remove the following page:

This page contains deformation false claims about me. I had advised you that I will complain to your hosting provider Unified Layer if page is not fully removed on request. I have now logged the official complaint against your website for public deformation content published and not removed on request. The worst thing is that not even once you wrote me back - this is the most arrogant attitude I had ever come across. I urge you to remove the above webpage to avoid future actions that may lead to your website been prosecuted and court claim filed.

I hope you will be reasonable to meet my request on friendly term.

Thank you
Constantine Zagradski

July 29, 2022

My dearest Constantine,

You keep using the word "deformation." I do not think it means what you think it means. You might want to choose your words a little more wisely.

You are now harassing me with your ad nauseam requests. Once again, you offer no proof that you are the person being referenced in the forum post. Maybe if you had conducted yourself with more honesty, there would never have been a post made about you. You didn't think of that, did you?

Warmest regards,

September 28, 2022

Based on the fact that you completely ignored my previous requests to remove the following page:

Which contains my personal information and public deformation information, I am now suing your website for $15000. The case will be filed in court in England and you will be liable to represent yourself to defend the claim raised against you.
To avoid future action, I demand immediate removal of the named webpage and full apology for the damages resulted in the publication of public deformation content by one of your member.

Thank you
Constantine Zagradski
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Well-Known Member
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May 3, 2009
April 18, 2023


Please remove from your website the following forum page:

It contains defamation information and for the legal reasons needs to be removed. Please comply with UK The Defamation Act 2013 (c 26).

The page must not appear in any web searches when my name Constantine Zagradski is typed.

Thank you for your cooperation
Constantine Zagradski

April 18, 2023



April 19, 2023


Thank you for finally getting back.

Based on your uncooperative denial your website will be issued with the hefty claim and taken to court. Your response will be used as one of the evidence. If your platform is allowed to spread unconfined information and lies about private individuals this will be stopped in a house of law. I will also make an official complaint to your domain provider and will ask for appropriate actions to be taken against your website.

You have 24 hours to comply with my request without future actions taken.

Thank you
Constantine Zagradski

April 19, 2023

Tick tock tick tock…


April 19, 2023


It seems your website including you as administrator are stuck in sandpit play. How old are you 5 years old? Judging by the answers I am not communicating with a grown up.

I do not know if you are making money out of your lie-spreading little forum website, but you will be greatly out of pocket soon...

I am suing https:/ for $15000 for publishing and refusal to remove unconfirmed defamation information about the private individual. The lawsuit will be filed ASAP the owners of the website will be notified in writing, in addition your domain provided will be asked to take actions against the website based on heavy complain. You will also be liable for all lawsuit related expenses...

Get ready to ask your mummy and daddy to break your piggy bank Fatdog to cover all the associated costs and forget about your Christmas presents this year - ain't happening for you little boy!

Your attitude is your enemy, but you will learn it the hard way!

April 19, 2023

Bless your heart.


April 19, 2023

You had been notified "little Fatdog", now face the music...

April 19, 2023

I hope it has a nice beat.


June 30, 2023

Hello, my legal team had been instructed to submit a lawsuit against and it's owners for defamation and refusal to act upon reasonable request. The value of the claim is $15000 + all legal experiences including local taxes. At the same time domain provider and hosting provider for are both instructed to act upon request in court matter. This is now been fully prepared and awaiting my instructions for proceeding with the claim.

I am hereby asking you again to cooperate in this matter and remove the webpage with post below from your website to avoid future legal actions which potentially may damage you financially and have the negate effect on your reputation.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Time is of the essence.

Best regards
Constantine Zagradski

June 30, 2023

Dearest Constantine,

Do you not find this charade exhausting? Surely, you have more pressing desires in life to pursue – perhaps the love and affection of your wife, or maybe the companionship of a loyal canine.

I wish upon you all the joys of a life fulfilled.

Warmest regards,

July 3, 2023


I do have life, wife and other activities. It seems all your comments are made with sarcasm! There is time in life to be funny and time to be serious, don't you find this acceptable?

I wrote you for almost a year between 2021-2022 asking nicely and politely to remove this defamation post. You kept ignoring me for very long time until finally responded rudely and unprofessionally almost a year later (all these are well documented).

As an individual I have the right to request the material aimed at me with deliberate defamation to be removed from your website or from any other websites for that matter.

By denying my many requests made in the past you are ultimately participating in false accusation of an individual, which is by law is a criminal offence in any country including US and UK.

The previous email was sent as the final request before the legal actions will be taken just to make you aware of legal consequences you may be facing (every communication sent/received in the past is part of the legal case).

You have to consider the following:

Your website is publishing unconfirmed, unproven and false information about other people like me (too many as the matter of fact). As an administrator of the site you have responsibility for the information published and all future comments left by site members. Unless you have the solid evidence to back up the publication on your site you are breaking the law of your country and becoming directly responsible.

The legal case will be aimed at and you to hold responsible for spreading defamation, deliberate false accusations, publishing unconfirmed information about the individual and refusal to deal with reasonable request for the person directly affected. If you think you can get away from this facts, please think twice. Make no mistakes this is serious matter by any legal practice.

Once again, I did ask you nicely many time before, there is no reason why you cannot comply with my request and remove the defamation post about me ones and for all. I have limited myself to the one last response and hope it could be met with adequate positive resolution from your side. I am asking you to respect my privacy and the right to make the direct request for removal of any unproven material which was published as the result of unprovoked haterade, blackmail and unfair revenge by your site member.

I hope you can deal with this matter in good intentions according with my request and we can move on with our lives without future unnecessary consequences and complications.

Best regards
Constantine Zagradski


You are publishing unconfirmed, unproven, and false information about your identity. You have yet to prove that you are whom you say you are. I have asked you to do so in the past. You chose to ignore. Until you provide undeniable and irrefutable proof that you are "crimea cat" on ebay, you are simply wasting time for both of us.

I am sorry, but I must decline your request again.


July 5, 2023


The information you had provided in your reply is a false statement. You had NEVER, not even once mention that you would like to confirm my identity. I have every single communication with you on my file records. You are making the false claim by concluding I had ignored something that was never produced in the first instance. Why would you think the complete stranger will approach random post on your website?

You had removed my full name from the post on 29 June 2022

I can provide you with the photo of my driving licence as the confirmation of my real identity.

I hope this will be sufficient enough for you to deal with my request.

Thank you
Constantine Zagradski

July 6, 2023


Can I have reply on my last email, please.

Thank you

Constantine Zagradski


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
July 7, 2023


I am still waiting for the reply, although I was very surprised with the development of your previous response where you stated something that never happened in the past, I would be more than happy to confirm my identity to move my request forward. I had offered you to provide the photo copy of my driving licence as the proof.

I look forward to finalise my request for removal ASAP.

Thank you
Constantine Zagradski

July 8, 2023


It seems to be you completely run out of arguments after I confronted you with yet another false statement towards me. You suddenly went into offensive state and invented the reason out of thin air about something that never happened before. This is another evidence of your behaviour as the representative of which shows that this website is nothing but the playground of bullying and blackmailing platform for you and your members using it for false accusations based on nothing but unproven gossips. All posts on do not contain a single proven evidence except blind accusations. Your member sold me used boombox with sings of wear which was not even presented as new in the box when I had received it, this machine failed to operate after 5 days of normal use. eBay decided in my favour and this is documented decision which will be presented in the legal case. I also have an approved electronic repair company expert certificate stating that the boombox I purchased was not new in the box as claimed by the seller at the time it was sold to me. You are now angered me so much with the whole experience I am having with you that apart from removing the post about me I will be seeking for the whole website to be shot down based on tonnes of bulling and harassment nature of the material placed there. If you think you are untouchable as the administrator of the website resided in the different country and you above the law, please think twice. I had done nothing but professional communication with you in the past based on very simple request. You had provided to be difficult in every single communication with me. The nature of is the direct reflection of your negative personality.

You had never asked me to produce any evidence of my identity NEVER, this is another false statement you had produced in the long line of other things.

I made it very clear after you had mentioned this very recently for the first time I would provide you the evidence of my identity without any issues if that would result in the post removal with the immediate effect. Confronted with that you simply run out of options to deny anything else.

You are now at risk of been financially chellenged in court for defamation and false accusations which are both criminal offences.

Unless we sort out immediately our differences and you remove the defamation post about me after I provide you proof of my identity as requested, I will go ahead with the court claim as of next week. When you will start to get the legal notifications of the case you will have no other options but to respond as the failure to do so will be recorded against you as the denial of cooperation in the case.

I would recommend you to go along the path of confirming my identity if you wish so, deleting the post about me and moving on with your life as opposed to the complecations you may be facing if I will proceed with my legal claim against you and

Best regards
Constantine Zagradski

July 8, 2023

I "NEVER" asked you for anything to prove your identity? Really? How do you explain this e-mail I sent to you back in July of 2022? Do I detect a bit of senility in your brain?

Lukewarm regards,

July 9, 2023


I had NEVER seen that email before, EVER!
That email had never reached me in the past!

I would only suggest you had never sent it before, because you did not mention this email for the whole duration of my communication with you in the past. Suspiciously, you came up with the idea of that email after been strongly confronted with the possibility of legal actions against you and If anything this email looks fraudulent to me and somehow twitched!

You are showing signs of personal disrespect, arrogance and abusive behaviour towards me.

Sharing my eBay password with anyone! What are you talking about? Are you insane? Who in the right mind will follow this type of request? This is unheard by any security standards! I cannot believe you think you can approach people with questions like that! This is really a new development and would have to be added to the case against as this is fishing and fraudulent activity! If this is the practice with proven pattern even your host provide can take down on my request.

I made it clear for you, you had my full name displayed on the post page before, which you had removed a year ago. I will provide you with the photo of my driving licence for the same name. What else do you want?

I made it clear in my previous email and you choice to ignore it all... Your website has characteristics of unproven accusations towards the private individuals. False accusation and participation in that practice are both criminal offence. Your member committed the fraud against me and in revenge of been disclosed committed the act of false accusation and defamation.

You are extremely arrogant and difficult individual to deal with, I get it! All I want is for you to drop all your previous awkward behaviour, just for once and get reasonable. For a bearded grown up person you are acting suspiciously strange and child like!

Stop been ignorant, in denial and offensive.
Verify my driving licence and deal with it in the right way to save your time and money. Again, I would seriously question a person who thinks that a complete stranger would approach you and demand to remove the randomly chosen post on your website. Don't you think it will sounds alarmingly worrying if you could think that is the case?

I expect your full cooperation to end this silly denial practice of yours. I think you need to stop wasting your own time with pointless remarks towards me and finally grow up. All I want to see in response is your agreement to see my driving licence uploaded and remove the post about me by one of your scammer members. As I mentioned before the item sold was fraudulently advertised as new. No one likes to be cheated and if the item sold was indeed as new and working, we would never had this conversation now. Don't you agree?

Accept my proposal, show your good will at least once and get along with your life. Proof me your are the reasonable person once and for all.

Thank you
Constantine Zagradski

July 9, 2023

Sometimes I think that you think too highly of yourself. I do not care what you believe about the e-mail I sent to you. I do not care if you ever saw it or not. It was sent – end of story.

You are not the only Constantine Zagradski on this planet.

I do not want to see your driver license. It will not prove that you are crimea cat.

I have grown tired of you, Constantine. Your e-mails no longer bring joy to me. It was amusing for a time, but now it is just laborious to read your paranoid ramblings. No one cares.

If you choose to send me another e-mail, I will post our communications online so others can read them. The choice is yours.

Tepid regards,

PS – I will move ahead in collating our e-mails to each other and arrange them in chronological order. I believe your capacity for comprehension will not allow you to stop sending me e-mails.

July 9, 2023


You had disregarded every single point I made. Including the fact that not a single person in the world will not approach you with the random post removal request for no reason. There is no such queue of all Constantine Zagradski people in the world who want to remove this post from your website - it is only one person Constantine Zagradski who involved in this and it is me, even five years old child is capable of understanding this. You had also disregarded the fact that your member committed scam again me by selling fraudulent item disguised as new and then published defamation information as the form of revange. It is very clear your website is designed to blackmail people and take advantage of their security details by fishing their private details including eBay passwords.

Believe me, I had tried to be nice and reasonable with you but you broke all the records of expectations of someone who is mean, cynical, arrogant and deliberately difficult.

As of tomorrow the legal case against you and will go ahead and your hosting provider will be informed of fraudulent activities and abuse practises I had experienced with you. My legal team will be instructed to add newly emerged information which you disclosed in your latest communications with me.

Best regards

Constantine Zagradski

July 10, 2023

You are so predictable. I knew that you wouldn't be able to resist sending another e-mail.

Your ramblings will be posted on the forum soon. I'm sure the members will cry buckets of tears for you.

Chilled regards,

July 10, 2023

This will be the end of as you know it. This publication will put you in jail, make no mistake about it! The legal case against you is now adjusted to defamation, fraud and scamming and intended blackmail.

Good luck!

You had been warned.

Stay tuned for more!!!


Member (SA)
Dec 28, 2014
Melb AU
Australia is the worst place in the world to be for Defamation law as we don't have freedom of speech protection like in the US. You can be liable for any post on social media.


Member (SA)
Dec 24, 2010
Why does he spend this much time defending an ebay name that he could easily change. Or just create a brand new one. Most zero-feedback accounts are experienced sellers who simply created a new account.


Member (SA)
I don't think it's that easy to create new accounts. Do you know how connected all your information is? Just google yourself, you would be shocked. Your phone numbers and addresses and all your email accounts from 20 years ago all probably show up linked together. Even if you create a new account, you would need to confirm your identity and add your financial accounts in order to pay or get paid on eBay. Unless you are going to open all new bank and credit accounts too, it's going to be hard.

As for UK, is it really not permitted to have someones name mentioned online? It seems like if you people should have the freedom to share their bad experiences and disclose who to watch out for. If you label these people with alias' only, what's the point, it would be useless. Regardless, I think he mentioned sued like 10 times already but good luck with that. Saying it's not permitted for someone to express and share their experience with a bad actor is ridiculous. It would be like saying I had a bad experience but I can't tell you with who.

------------------- edit ----------------------
Ok I take it back. Perhaps it not all that difficult to change accounts. Looks like crimea cat account is no longer active. All the more reason to remember the guys real name.
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Member (SA)
Maybe suggest to Crimea Cat dude to reimburse Deech for the arm twisted partial refund, after which he can negotiate directly with Deech to rescind the post, if that's even possible or allowed. Frankly, I think it's important for people to know what they might be in for if they decide to do business with him, and seeing his over the top persistence in harassment, I know I would want to avoid any such transaction.
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Radio raheem

Member (SA)
May 13, 2009
i did not realize this was still going on/ quite upsetting as this has happened to me but on a much bigger scale........sold most of my boxes and have lost a friend for over 20 years over flipping boxes and money........morel of the tale.... forget boxes most are beyond repair now.......friendship is more important imho.....i was wondering where Deech had gone:'-(
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Member (SA)
Jan 7, 2012
Toronto, Canada
Oh my was this a fun thread! Priceless interaction from an individual as shady as they get.

Fatdog, there's a writer's strike in Hollywood right now, could we not submit this as a possible sitcom idea?

I forgot to add what I found the most important line in this posting, to me at least...
Fatdog-" Maybe if you had conducted yourself with more honesty, there would never have been a post made about you. You didn't think of that, did you? "

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