Conion C-100 F (earlier Japanese model, not later Korean)


New Member
Dear Boomboxery group,

I am new to the group as I recently bought a Conion C-100. The unit has issues and I will start to fix the issues one at a time. I have an issue with the tuner and want to ask if others have experienced a similar issue and if so, see what others used as a solution. There is absolutely no reception for the AM and FM bands. I only get static on both. The SW 1 and SW 2 channels work fine and get good reception. The antenna wires are connected to the tuner board and I notice a change in sound when I touch them while in either of the shortwave bands, but no change when in AM or FM. I also checked continuity from antenna to board and there are no breaks in connection. I figured I would ask for any suggestions before I replace the tuner board.

Also, The left led power meter does not work. I assume it is something simple as the circuitry does not seem too complex and both channels work as are both analog VU meters. Are the LED meters failing a common issue? If so, what might be the common causes? I am hoping it may be a lose connection or a broken wire / solder joint.

The C-100 F I purchased is not a mint condition unit, but I also did not pay a mint condition price either. It is a unit that I want to occasionally use. The unit sounds better than I expected out of a large plastic case. It sounds better than the Lasonic TRC-918 I own in my opinion. I do appreciate the clean build quality that the Lasonic and Conion have. I also own a remake that Lasoinc makes. It looks like a Lasonic TRC 931, but has an ipod dock where tape 1 would be and it has a digital tuner with a fake analog tuner dial sticker. I opened it up out of curiosity and I saw what I would have expected, a cheaply manufactured product.

Going back to the Conion, both do not play, but the electronics seem fine. I used a bluetooth tape adaptor on tape 2 and it played just fine, so I assume it will only need a good cleaning and belts. I can hear the motor run. Tape 1 is stuck in the play position. I can tap on the play head and hear noise from both right and left channels through the speakers, so electronics could be OK. I cannot put bluetooth adaptor in as the mechanism is in the play position. The motor is not running, so it may need a new motor or a rebuild. The unit is always powered on and thanks to the group, learned that it could be caused by tape 1 being stuck in the play position. The power switch will turn off the lights on the dial when the power switch is in the off position, but everything else stays on except when I activate the alarm sensor. I assume the "power" switch for the alarm sensor overrides everything else. I also assume that the lighted dial circuit is separate from the rest, which is why the dial light goes out when the main power button is in the off position and indicates to me that the power switch does indeed work.

I appreciate anyone's thoughts / suggestions.
