The lower deck's motor can take 8.4-15V. There'a a 33-ohm dropping resistor for it at R343, which, if the motor truly draws 72mA like the datasheet says, will drop it by 2.4V. That means you can't exceed 17.4V without exceeding 15V to the motor. But uh oh, the AC rectifiers on these put out 18-20V!
The reality of it is, R343 is never a 33-ohm resistor; that's only what the schematic says. What they really installed is a pair of zener diodes in series. I don't know what the zener voltage rating is and I haven't measured that spot, but I'm guessing it's very similar on batteries as it is plugged in. If those diodes fail and short out, the motor's going to get more than 15V when using a cord, which might damage it.