I Found a Conion C100F at Thrift Store


New Member
Hello Everyone. I just found and bought for 10 bucks a fully working Conion C100F from a Salvation Army thrift store in Skokie, IL. I CANT BELIEVE IT. I was walking past the shelf of electronics and I looked down and low and behold it was sitting on the floor. Thrift stores today almost always check online to see a estimate cost and price accordingly by condition and age. I was also glad the price was on it because a lot of times the price isn't there on the electronics/big ticket items and policy is you have to wait till tomorrow till management creates a price and places it back on shelf. Also the known expensive electronics are placed in a locked glass cabinet behind the registers and you have to ask to look at those items. I almost fell over with excitement and grabbed it as fast as superman folding on laundry day. Too excited when I went to register to purchase and on the trip back home almost hugging it. After testing I video called my family and they could not believe it. Only problem found is a cracked plexiglass on tape deck and broken antennas.


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Staff member
That is a fairy tale right there! Nice job - I just went through Skokie a few weeks ago.
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Member (SA)
Damn, the stores around me don't even have anything decent nevermind something like that.
They obviously didn't know anything about it, I mean seriously, Conion?, it sounds made up and the box itself is a little crazy looking.
They were probably glad to get rid of it, lol.
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Member (SA)
I found an m90 in the pawn shop in the exact same way . had to pay 250 bucks but that was fifteen years ago. I also found a vz2000 in that same pawn shop over 25 years ago. Both times I had the exact same feeling I just couldn't believe it and I was smiling all the way home couldn't wait to get the damn thing home.


Member (SA)
Damn, the stores around me don't even have anything decent nevermind something like that.
They obviously didn't know anything about it, I mean seriously, Conion?, it sounds made up and the box itself is a little crazy looking.
They were probably glad to get rid of it, lol.
I had a conion my girlfriend at the time thought it was the most god-awful thing she had ever seen I was like what the f*** is wrong with her.


Member (SA)
I had a conion my girlfriend at the time thought it was the most god-awful thing she had ever seen I was like what the f*** is wrong with her.
I'll confess, I'm not a fan.
I've never had one and probably never will.


Member (SA)
Umm..... wow. Congratulations on the find!!! I just kinda skimmed the messages... did anyone else call dibs??? If not, I am.
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Member (SA)
Congratulations mate. Literally a huge find! You should be able to easily source those broken parts!
Post up some pics

Radio raheem

Member (SA)
Have m90's and had a fully working conion, find of the year.......bought some boxes lately for what they are really worth and nothing feels better than when you get a good deal, rock on


Member (SA)
You lucky bastard. I’ve gotten some insane deals at goodwill myself, a Sony CD player worth $300+ for $2, some rare and valuable video games, a set of Yamaha NS-500 speakers from 1977 for $10 at the same time as a set of Bose 301 series II for $8, the list goes on, but you, sir, take the cake with this one.