Trouble With Pioneer SK-95 Cassette Player

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Member (SA)
Hi-I just recently acquired a pretty decent Pioneer SK-95.
I did get it apart and the belts are good but it wants to keep
auto stopping when I hit play!
It does play at correct speed and rewinds fine.
If I hit pause and play it plays but stops after a couple of seconds.

The ff seems to stop also after a couple of seconds to.

I'm excited that it does play,just seems that the auto stop function
keeps kicking in so it won't stay playing.
It's come along way since I started!

The ends of the keys are broken off bug it doesn't affect the functionability

Just hoping the SK-61 or 71 tape decks are the same as inlay find another
as a donor!

Anybody know? The SK-61 seems to have the same cassette function

I really need a treble pot!
This is a fun project,cassette is working better than I thought.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. :yes:
Have a good one! :-)


Member (SA)
Hi Ramon! That's what I thought in reading earlier posts about this
BTW-thanks for giving me some tips on this,helped getting the back
apart and pulling from the side away from the tuning shat.
Getting back together is a bit of true lining up and little finagling
but it's back together.
Just have to open her up again this weekend and see if I can fix
this deck without to much dismantlement!

Otherwise I will get a donor deck and one with good keys on it to!

The treble pot shouldn't be to bad,just have to take one board and loosen
and desolder about 4 pins I believe and it's towered the top which
should help.
Thanks Ramon and have a good weekend! :-) :yes: :stereo: :monchito:
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